Three Traits of a Great Mom

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I started thinking about what makes a great mom.

I decided there are 3 B’s.

Now, B could stand for “brainy,” and that would be a great quality for a mom. Or, it could begin the word “beautiful,” and who among us wouldn’t want that adjective describing us? The B could also stand for “buoyant” or “bouncy.” It could begin the words “brilliant” or “bargain-busting-babe.”


But I thought about my own mother and, even though many of the above adjectives describe her, there were still three more B’s she possesses that I hope will describe me as I grow as a mom.

The first B stands for brave.

My mother showed a quiet courage as I grew up.

She confronted with gentleness, corrected with authority, and risked our friendship, valuing my future more than her own feelings.

Motherhood takes guts. Great moms show bravery.
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She made me do things I didn’t want to do, like facing my fears, trying something again and again, apologizing when I am wrong, and cleaning the bathrooms.

It takes courage to stay with the task of motherhood with an unwavering commitment to our children when our children can create waves in our own lives.

Let’s face it, motherhood takes guts.

It’s not for the fainthearted; it is for girls with grit. Hebrews 10:39 should be the mantra of every brave mom… we are not of those who shrink back.

Be brave, my fellow mom, and don’t be afraid of saying “no” or “I’m sorry.” Don’t shrink back from the hard stuff, our kids are worth it.

The second B stands for benevolent.

My mother displayed mercy and kindness to my brothers and me.

She demonstrated the biblical truth that God does not treat us as our sins deserve. (Psalm 103:10) I/We often deserved far more than we got. Like the times I lied, or when my brothers and I fought… or the times I lied about fighting with my brothers!

Great moms display mercy and kindness even when it is not deserved.
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I’m also grateful that she often applied her discipline unevenly.

As I look back, it’s interesting to me that it was often her kindness that led us to repentance. Her benevolence softened my heart, and helped to shape my understanding of God’s kindness.

Be benevolent, my fellow moms. Our kids’ behavior doesn’t necessarily warrant it, but God’s Word recommends it. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32, ESV).

The third B stands for balance.

My mom knew how to strike just the right balance.

She knew when to use grit and when to use grace… and when to be courageous enough to exercise justice rather than mercy.

Great moms know when to use grit and when to use grace.
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She somehow placed all the demands of her life, her kids, and her husband’s ministry upon the scales, and it all hung in the right proportions. Nothing fell off, nothing weighed down the rest.

I’m not sure how she did it, because B for balance is hard to achieve when B for busy is so much a part of motherhood.

Great moms recognize when to be brave and when to be benevolent finding a balance between the two.
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Dirty dishes… dirty diapers; broken toys… broken hearts; homework… housework; these all make it hard to maintain balance at the speed of life. But strive for that balance anyway, my fellow mom, it’s what our kids will remember.

Be wise to recognize when to be brave and when to be benevolent, neither overreacting nor under-reacting. Balance creates security and has a leveling effect on our children.

And, you know what?

If, through God’s grace, we live out those three B’s, a fourth B will be ours too… Blessed!

I do rise up and call my mom blessed. And, I pray my children will call me the same too.

My friend, if you are a mom, I gently challenge you to live out the “3 B’S” and, eventually, the fourth B will be yours also.

But, this I know, we all have a mom and no matter how flawed she is, she deserves your honor. Perhaps, you could bless God today by blessing your mom.

Bless God today by blessing and honoring your mom.
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Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all.” (Proverbs 31:28-29, NLT)

Question: What B could you add to the list to describe a great mom?

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