How to Write Your Own Stress Comfort List

Ready for a crazy fact? Some octopuses have been known to eat their arms off when they are exposed to stressful situations. Yikes! And you thought biting your nails when you’re stressed was bad?!


Thankfully, I don’t eat my arm off, I tend to eat chocolate! What do you do when you’re stressed?

Stress or Confess?

Isn’t it amazing how God uses stress to make Himself more real to us?

All God's Promises

Saturday morning, I had a choice. Tucked away in my nice, warm bed, a sudden bolt of terror hit me like lightening, and I had to choose: Stress or confess?

Because it happened. On the second morning of our last and biggest Fresh Grounded Faith event of our whole year, my alarm clock decided to take a day off.

You can imagine the morning that followed.