Three Questions Every Mom Needs to Ask Herself

Motherhood comes with lots of stuff — joy, laughter and stress! And, motherhood comes with one thing every mom gets and no mom wants… guilt!

One thing it does not come with is a rewind button! We can’t rewind and redo what we regret. But, that’s okay, sister.


We can do something to prevent some of the regret.

What To Do When You Feel Weak

We all have days when we feel like we’re just not enough.

You know… strong enough, smart enough, creative enough, motivated enough, or whatever your “enough” is!

Every woman has felt that way. And, when we do, we can start believing the lie that says how we feel is who we are.


Right? Surely, I am not the only one?!

Oh girl, I know I’m not the only one.

How to Find Rest When You are Worn Out

I ran away from home last week. My friends, Paula and Joan, ran away with me.

We rented a pontoon boat and loaded it down with snacks, sunscreen, books, towels, water, and ice.

We barely pulled away from the dock before we plopped our tired selves on those hot, clammy cushions.

What is Under that Overreaction?

“Down Sparky!”

That’s what I wanted to say so badly to the woman in line in front of me who was having a five-star meltdown!

I wanted to, but, I did not! I was afraid she would turn around and hit me!


The sister was 2 seconds away from losing what was left of her cool.

The Surefire Way to Avoid Burnout

Would you define your life as “emotionally demanding?”

If you have been alive more than ten minutes, most likely you would!


That’s just a feature of being a member of the human race here on planet earth… it’s emotionally demanding.

But, living an emotionally demanding life puts you at risk for burnout.

Peace, Where Are You?

Is your life crazy or stressful?

Okay, okay, I heard you all the way from here! I know it is.


Most people have crazy, busy, and stressful lives. And, if you are like me, just the sound of the word “peace” can spike your blood pressure. You want it, but it feels so unattainable. But, it’s not.