3 Ways God Responds to Your Tears

Research shows that women cry anywhere between 30 and 64 times a year. That means most of us girls shed tears at least twice a month and some of us cry about every five days!

Happy tears. Sad tears. Angry tears. We cry for all sorts of reasons.

Some of us are “Tricklers.” You know, we have an occasional tear drip from the eye, but it’s usually quick, controlled, and rare.

And, then there are the “Niagaras” among us! Do I even need to explain? A gushing flood of liquid emotion pours from both eyes at a moment’s notice! Then the waterfall lasts much longer than that one moment!

Encouragement for the Heavy-hearted

There are some things we carry around that are way too heavy. They weigh down our spirits. They crush our hearts. They dampen our joy. They are heavy — way too heavy to carry.

Heartache. Sorrow. Stress. Rejection. Illness. Loneliness. Loss.

How to Know If Your Brain Has Too Many Windows Open — and 2 Ways to Fix It

“I need the uh, um, I mean I found the… uh, what is wrong with me?! Why can’t I remember what I was going to say and why I came in this room to say it?” My husband just chuckled because he’s used to this by now.

But, I am not used to this yet! I feel like my brain goes in slow motion and words have to be coaxed out of me like a reluctant puppy when the car parks at the vet.

Is this a symptom of aging? Or maybe it’s just the result of an overworked brain? I just can’t multi-task like I used to!

I Would Like to Unsubscribe

I begin with a confession: when my life feels out of control, I clean something! Yes. A messy drawer, an unruly closet, under my son’s bed — anything that needs sprucing up becomes therapy for me when I am overly stressed! That’s all well and good until everything is clean and I still feel cluttered on the inside!


Even if you aren’t a “cleaner” when you get stressed, you do something to reduce stress and feel more control — you may be an eater or a shopper or a procrastinator or a crier or an exerciser or… well, we all have our ways of managing when life gets crazy.

But recently, I found myself out of drawers to organize and closets to clean! I was still feeling like stress was bigger than me and had more control than I wanted it to, so I decided to clean out my inbox!

3 Ways to Become a Balanced Woman

Would you describe yourself as balanced? Okay, stop laughing! Few of us have achieved balance. I stress myself out just thinking about it!?!  I could write a book called Stressed Out: How I Achieved It While Seeking Balance!


I’m just not balanced enough to write a book about balance, but I know Someone who did.

Ending the Struggle to Juggle

Oh girl, we all have felt it, right? The struggle to do it all, get it all done, and not be totally undone in the process! Working moms, empty nesters, single women, and stay-at-home moms all deal with the struggle to juggle! And that struggle can leave us worn out and frustrated.