Can I Uncover the Purpose of an Unexpected Season? With Nicole Unice [Episode 316]

uncover purpose unexpected season Nicole Unice

Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected season where you’re struggling with uncertainty or an unknown future? You have no idea how your story will end and it’s left you feeling scared, confused, and in over your head.

Perhaps you’re even thinking to yourself—and saying to God—“This is not what I signed up for!”

Well, on this episode of the 4:13, counselor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice will show you it’s possible to remain faithful in those difficult seasons—when things don’t go your way, when God seems far away, and when you feel helpless. Because it’s often in life’s twists and turns and in-between spaces where God is growing something essential in your soul.

Can I Find Hope in the Book of Ecclesiastes? With Hannah Anderson [Episode 314]

Hope Book Ecclesiastes Hannah Anderson

All things ever seem to do is change. And just as soon as you get your footing, the ground shifts under you again. So, how can you keep your balance in such a disorienting world?

Well, you can start by going to the book of Ecclesiastes! That’s right!

Today’s 4:13 guest, Hannah Anderson, is going to take you on a tour of this ancient book to help you find a solid foundation for when the seasons change.

Spill the Beans LIVE with Karen Kingsbury and Annie F. Downs at Fresh Grounded Faith Springfield, MO [Episode 306]

Spill the Beans LIVE Karen Kingsbury Annie F. Downs Fresh Grounded Faith Springfield, Missouri

Have you ever been with friends who make you laugh, make you grateful, and just plain make you a better person? Well, I was in Springfield, Missouri at a Fresh Grounded Faith event with two friends who do that for me: best-selling author Karen Kingsbury and podcaster extraordinaire, Annie F. Downs.

We spilled the beans about dating apps, how to help someone who is struggling with a loss, and how to love the season you’re in. Plus, we shared how to help someone when they’re having a panic attack and how to hold fast to God in your darkest hour.