What Is on the Menu at God’s Table

When I was a college student in Florida, Rose was a widow who lived nearby. Many of us students regularly visited her.

One evening, my friend, Mike, popped in at dinner time and Rose invited him in. They visited for a few moments … that is, until Mike noticed her kitchen table was set for two.

“Oh Rose,” he said, “I didn’t realize you were having a guest for dinner. I will scoot out.”

She stopped him, and explained that ever since her husband died over 30 years earlier she always set two places at her table.

Mike assumed the second place setting was to remind her of her late husband, but Rose corrected him.

4 Powerful Prayers for When You Feel Weak

Any worn-out, weary women out there?

Oh, girl, we all feel it from time to time. I’ve been in the fast lane for the last several months and I’m feeling it! Between all the emotion of losing my dad paired with all the ministry travel, I feel like I’m running on fumes.

Life can just deplete us, can’t it? And I know you know exactly what I’m talking about.

When we feel weak, we need strength. It’s just that simple—and that difficult. That’s when we most need to pray.

2 Ways to Renew Your Mind Daily

My dad always told me that confession is good for the soul. Maybe … but it can also be very bad for the reputation. Even so, I’m risking my reputation with you by letting you in on a little secret.

Ready? Here goes.

2 Ways to Renew Your Mind Daily jpg

I have an obsession … with the burners on my stove. I’m driven to keep them spotless and gleaming.

Now that I own a gas stove, this dysfunctional issue may not require therapy, but it wasn’t always this way. I once hovered over the burners on my electric range—the pans, rims, and surface beneath were all targets of my compulsion.

Now, before you put me on your prayer list, let me explain.

The Not Fair Prayer

Hi there, dear ones. Jennifer here. The post I’m sharing with you this week is one I wrote a few years ago, but felt the need to share with you again. Given the messages and comments I’ve received lately, it seemed relevant to what so many of you are dealing with. My prayer is that if you’re newer to our community of sisters and reading it for the first time that it will encourage your heart. If this isn’t your first time to read it, I pray the Lord will use it in a fresh way to minister to you. So thankful for each of you.

 Sometimes the things life throws at us can make us feel like God isn’t being fair. She got the job, and I didn’t. Her health is fine, and I have a chronic illness. The list could go on and on forever… we’ve all be there!

You’re frustrated, confused, sad, or discouraged, but you desperately want to keep trusting God and His Word. What do you do?

How to Face Your Lions

One of the highlights of my whole entire life was getting to pet lion cubs in South Africa! Yes, I got to get down on the ground with those cute little… well, chunky… big guys!  They were just 6-month-old cubs and they were sleepy from the warm sun and their full bellies after lunch! I got to cradle their huge paws in my hands and stroke their ears!

They were so docile and sweet – as cuddly and compliant as a harmless stuffed animal in a baby’s crib!!

They aren’t always going to be so docile and snuggly. Nope. If I had hung out in their den for even another hour, giving them time to wake up from their naps, they would have been intimidating. And, if I gave them even a few weeks or months, they would eventually become snarly and fierce beasts that any sane adult should avoid.

When You Feel Discouraged: A Scripture Pep Talk

It’s so easy to get discouraged, isn’t it? Life hits us hard and trials last too long and we just get worn out trying to stand firm in faith. Or, sometimes we are in the thick of doing good, serving God and it just seems like progress is slow, our confidence is low and discouragement is high.


I’ve felt discouraged for both reasons lately. I’ve felt overwhelmed and under-qualified to rise to the demands of ministry. I’ve fallen into a confidence crisis and just plain felt defeated. And, at the same time, my sweet Dad has been in the hospital, fighting pain and infection. My mom is worn out caring for him and instead of things getting better, they just seem to get worse. As soon as we see some progress, the next day, his fever spikes and our hope deflates. It is just downright discouraging.