What’s the first thing on your mind in the morning when you wake up?
I asked my Facebook friends this question, and I got over 500 comments!
What’s the first thing on your mind in the morning when you wake up?
I asked my Facebook friends this question, and I got over 500 comments!
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A few summers ago, I woke up a little later than usual.
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We’re all busy, right?
We’ve got jobs, families, and other responsibilities. Our lives can feel like one big revolving door. You know, just when you get one thing done, here comes another!
I used to have a guide dog named William. And, one Sunday morning, after I’d had William for several months, we sat attentively in my Bible study group.
Well, at least … I sat attentively … kind of.
It was awfully hard because William’s attention was riveted by a grasshopper that had made its way into our room via an open door.
William was determined to catch that critter—even if he had to knock over a stack of Bibles and three Baptists in the process! He slapped his paws forward and jerked his head in pursuit.
On a crisp fall morning, I sat with my precious friend and writing assistant, Karen, in her upstairs office. Phil was out of town, and we planned to work on some new book proposals together.
I had started writing my first book just one year earlier and now found myself on a fast track. I wasn’t sure if I was driving, being driven, or a combination of the two. In addition, my travel schedule had swollen with opportunities that I didn’t feel I could or should turn down.
I overheard the World’s Most Patient Mom shopping with her two boys.
The little troop was there to get pillows for their bunk beds. There are only about 50,000 pillows in that particular home store, so selecting just two was pretty ambitious.
“Mommy, the ball! I want the ball! The ball!” I listened as one of the boys called out. “Get the ball! The ball … no, not that one! The owange basketball! The fuzzy wound piwwow…”
Well, you get the idea.