Can I Pray the Psalms to Grow Closer to God? With Leslie Leyland Fields [Episode 319]

Pray Psalms Closer God Leslie Leyland Fields

Do you want to experience the presence and love of God through every joy and struggle in your life? Do you long to enrich your prayer life and grow closer to God?

Well, the psalms can help you do just that. They can guide you into fresh encounters with God, and today’s guest, author Leslie Leyland Fields, is going to show you how.

My 5 Most Popular Posts from 2014

As we wrap up and reflect on the past year, I wanted to share with you the 5 most popular blog posts from 2014. I hope that reflecting on the past year brings you joy and encouragement. You encourage and lift me up every day!


Thank you for being such faithful friends!

4 Psalms to Pray When You Need God’s Help

I love it when one of my sons echoes back to me words that originally came from my mouth. “Help a mama out” is what I often say to Connor when I want to get his attention and get his help with something.

I shouldn’t have been surprised when he looked at me after school yesterday and said, “Help a brother out.” This was after he had asked me for some Cheez-Its and I was slow to respond! You better believe that when he repeated my words back to me, I heard him! I smiled and grabbed the Cheez-Its.