Your 5 Favorite Blog Posts from 2016

What a year it has been! When I think about the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens, there’s been this overwhelming theme throughout it all — the Lord has worked and been so very present. I’m so thankful in that what has been a tough year in some ways has also been an opportunity to experience God’s faithfulness. He is so good.

And I’m so thankful for you! Each one of you. Thank you for joining me for Java every week. It feels like we are truly on this journey together, and I couldn’t ask for a better group of sisters to join me. So, as the year winds down, I figured I would feature the blogs you liked the best from this past year! Let’s just sample a few sips of Java from 2016 together — maybe they will be sweeter the second time, and if you’re new to this great bunch of coffee buddies, pour yourself a tall something that is warm and refreshing, pull up a chair and enjoy a cup of inspiration… five cups, to be exact!

Your 5 Favorite Blog Posts of 2016 [Click to Tweet]
If something you read inspires or encourages you, pass it on to someone who else who may need it. Simply click on the title to read each post.

Are You Overwhelmed? Talking Life and Leadership with Jennifer and Denise [FB Live Video]

Let’s face it- as women we are often overwhelmed, right? And if you’re a woman in ministry, life can feel even more overwhelming! Jennifer and Denise talked about ways to overcome those overwhelming feelings on FB Live today. If you missed it on the Facebook page, you can watch it here:

Four Ways to Hang On When You Want to Let Go

We all feel the impulse to quit, to pull back — to put on the brakes from time to time. We can feel overwhelmed and like life is just too much.


We can feel like we are just not up for one more task, one more smile, or one more issue. Right?  Can I get a witness?! And, the urge to just throw in the towel can feel so, so strong that we intuitively know we just need a breather — we need rest.

What to Do When You Are Overwhelmed

I’m writing this blog as I sip my third… count the mugs… third cup of coffee!

I woke up exhausted!

I finally got out of bed this morning after tossing and turning all night.


Insomnia is miserable, isn’t it? And, the most miserable part of insomnia is that you can’t sleep through it! (Wink) It just keeps you awake all night so you won’t miss a second of it!

Do You Quit When Things Don’t Go Your Way?

As heard on KLOVE Jan 2010; Excerpted from Self Talk, Soul Talk by Jennifer Rothschild (Harvest House, 2007)

In 1991 I was invited to sing the national anthem for an Atlanta Braves game against the Los Angeles Dodgers.  Prior to that warm July evening, I had only sung the national anthem once publicly—at the opening of the little league season in West Palm Beach, Florida.  Let’s just say that first experience was a whole lot less intimidating.

“The Star-Spangled Banner” is a stirring, wonderful song, but no one has ever claimed it’s easy to sing.  I was so nervous.  I rehearsed madly, consumed bottles of Maalox…and then it was time to step out on the field.  A reverent hush fell upon the stadium as the players removed their caps, and Old Glory flapped in the wind.

I began. “Oh, say can you see…”

So far, so good.