Our Best for Him – FGF Highlights, Wyckoff, NJ

Our best for Him. Those four words sum up Fresh Grounded Faith New Jersey!!

Thank you to Allie Marrareo for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

One of the amazing volunteers, Rob, used these words when he signed off on a text to me this past weekend. He represented just one of the 120 amazing people who poured out their lives in Wyckoff so that women could know the love of God and become rooted and grounded in that amazing love.

God’s Power Showed Up – FGF Highlights, Buffalo, NY

Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? Oh, there is no place where I feel the sheer, unstoppable power of God like I do standing by the Horseshoe Falls. It roars with such intensity. In fact, the peak flow of water there was recorded at 6,004 cubic meters per second. Girl, we can’t even think that fast!

God’s Power Showed Up – FGF Highlights, Buffalo, NY jpg

Thank you to Ashley Thompson for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

Yet, I will tell you this … the power of God at the Buffalo Fresh Grounded Faith event was also absolutely amazing!

Ready, Set, Go! – FGF Highlights, Augusta, GA

Ready, set, go! This weekend we kicked off our first Fresh Grounded Faith event of 2019 in Augusta, Georgia.

Ready, Set, Go! – FGF Highlights, Augusta, GA jpg

Thank you to Taylor Sakata for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

Oh, girl, they were ready when we got there. These women were on fire. They were so full of life and love and I felt like it was a family reunion with women I just met. They had set every detail for a great weekend and we did go for it! We laughed, worshipped, learned what it means to be unshakeable, and made tons of new friends.

Can I Live My Life With Open Hands? With Laura Story [Episode 18]

Can I Live My Life With Open Hands? [Episode 18 with Laura Story] jpg

About five or six years ago, I went through a season where I struggled with depression, which included insomnia.

One night, I vividly remember sitting in a red chair in our bedroom, trying to pray. Yet, I couldn’t really focus on praying. I knew the Lord was there, but I still felt low and empty.

The radio was on, and it was then that I heard a song that touched me in a way nothing else could. It was “Blessings” by Laura Story.

We Leaned Hard on Christ – FGF Highlights, Shelbyville, KY

I just love when it’s Fresh Grounded Faith season! We kicked off our first event this fall in Shelbyville, Kentucky. What a great weekend full of joy!

We Leaned Hard on Christ – FGF Highlights, Shelbyville, KY jpg

Thank you to Amy Hanlon for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

The women in Shelbyville were unshakeable! Together, we dropped our gravel strength and leaned hard on the Rock who is Christ—and you can be sure we weren’t disappointed! God did great things!

The Joy of the Lord Was Our Strength – FGF Highlights Hattiesburg, MS

Have you ever walked into a room where you could just feel the joy, and you knew there was some kind of happy buzz among all the people around you? Well, if you were at Fresh Grounded Faith in Hattiesburg this past weekend, your answer is a big happy yes!

The Joy of the Lord Was Their Strength – FGF Highlights Hattiesburg, MS jpg

Thank you to Cassidy Monk for the beautiful photos! To see the entire album on Facebook click here. For those of you who joined in the photo booth fun, you can access your photos here.

Girl, the women who attended FGF Hattiesburg were happy, happy, happy! It was deeper than the buzz you get from sweet tea and deeper than the happy that comes from a sunshiny day.