I’ve Got Moves

I only had 30 minutes between flights. That’s a pretty tight layover even when you’re seated in the first row of the plane and able to get off first. It’s tight even if you can see and run like a sprinter through an airport. But, when you’re blind, have to wait for airport assistance and are stuck in the back of the plane … well … 30 minutes is almost impossible.

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So, as we taxied in, I knew there was only a small chance I would make my next flight. I signaled the flight attendant and told her my situation and asked, “I know it’s your policy for those needing assistance to get off the plane last, but can you walk me out as soon as we land so I can make my next flight?”

Today I Choose Contentment

I have a treat for you! My daughter-in-law Caroline is guest posting on my blog today. She’s talking about something I don’t think we talk about nearly enough – contentment in the age of social media. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in comparing our lives to others’ and seeing ours as less-than. Caroline will challenge and encourage you all in one!

Sometimes I stumble into wanting things.

The checkout line is long, and inevitably, I’m in line behind the coupon queen. I like watching extreme couponers on HGTV, but in real life – not so much.


As I stand there, I find myself staring at the checkout line aisle, and all the sudden, I venture off my shopping list. You know what I’m talking about; under the mints and the gum are all the items I forgot that I needed. Like, floss picks, hand sanitizer, and Tide-To-Go sticks. And while I’m at it, I find myself picking up a lint roller, even though I never lint roll anything. Ever. My moment of weakness peaks when I grab peanut m&ms.

Thankfully coupon diva takes so long I’m able to knock some sense into myself and put the “things I didn’t know I needed” back onto the shelf where they belong.

Those checkout lines are strategic. We all know this. We’ve seen many a tantrum as the child lusts after Fun Dip candy at eye level, only to be told a devastating no.

However, I’m starting to realize I stand in that checkout line a lot more than just at the grocery store.

Welcome to Where You Are


My friend Judy sent me the best email this week. The subject line read “Welcome to the Fifties!” I feel honored to be in the club. I have to share what she wrote, because the great thing is that no matter what your age, her “welcome” will apply to you. It’s a great reminder to be present and enjoy where you are, because where you are is a great place to be.


It makes me wonder how different – and how much better – our lives would be if we saw every year, every day as a place we get to enter? What if we saw each moment as an experience that we welcomed? When you read her email, you might just get a clue of what that outlook looks like.

Eavesdropping. #Guilty

Okay, I don’t mean to do it. Really. I just can’t help it.

It’s not because I am nosey that I eavesdrop … it’s because I’m blind! I can’t help that I hear really, really well.


Seriously, don’t whisper around me. My ears will hone in on whatever you are hoping I won’t hear. If you’re in a coffee shop at the table next to me, you better keep your voice down or you just may turn up in one of my blogs … just like this guy did.

My ‘Happy, Happy, Happy’ Playlist

I’m a firm believer that music can have powerful impact on your outlook. It can set the tone for your entire day.

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So I have a playlist  on my smartphone titled, “Happy, Happy, Happy.” And I will say, my title came long before Duck Dynasty made it popular. I started this playlist when I was in the midst of a deep depression. But, with God’s power and the gift of music He gave us, I was determined to do all I could to climb out of my pit.