3 Paths Out of the “Mine” Fields

Do you ever look at your life and wonder, How did I get here? When did I become this insecure or envious or threatened or defeated — or whatever place you find yourself that you really don’t want to be?


Oh girl, those are “mine” fields! And, when I find myself stuck in one of them, it’s because I’ve become a faulty bow.

Let me explain! When we are bent on going and getting our own way, we “… are like a faulty bow” (Hosea 7:16, NIV). It’s a poetic way of saying we can easily become misguided and land where we don’t want to be.

No Mom-of-the-Year Award for Me

There’s something about routine that brings me comfort. I know what to expect and what each new day will bring.

But, there’s also something about routine – about the dailiness of life – that can make me feel stuck.

I start to feel trapped in my very own life.

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Have you ever felt swallowed up in the dailiness of your life — doing the same old chores and tasks over and over and over again?