Can I Be a Humble Woman and Still Be Strong? [Episode 205]

Humble Woman Still Strong Amos Cows of Bashan

Today we’re going to talk about cows. Yes, cows! And more specifically, today you’ll learn how Scripture uses cows to teach us about humility! Are you ready for this?

You’ll appreciate this conversation about humility because it’s a spiritual superpower that we just don’t talk about enough. And often it’s because we don’t understand it.

We may think if we’re humble, then we’ll be walked on or overlooked. But humility is not just an attribute or an attitude, it’s an action—a powerful and profound force that can change you and the world around you.

Can I Get Unstuck in My Prayer Life? With Kyle DiRoberts [Episode 198]

Unstuck Prayer Life Kyle DiRoberts

We all want to know how to talk to God and get answers to our prayers. Yet lots of us struggle to pray and are convinced we’re doing it wrong. So is there a secret to talking with God? Well, according to today’s podcast guest, there is.

Author and seminary professor, Dr. Kyle DiRoberts, shares the secret to prayer and reveals the impact of humility on your prayers. He’ll also give you practical ways to connect with God as the heroes of the faith did.

Can I Use Good Judgment Without Being Judgmental? [Episode 37]

Can I Use Good Judgment Without Being Judgmental? [Episode 37] jpg

“She shouldn’t have done that.” “How could she think that?” “I can’t believe she actually went there!” “I would never do that…”

Sound familiar? Anyone ever whispered phrases like that in your ear? Or, have you ever muttered them under your breath?

I’ve not only heard that kind of stuff, but I’ve said it and thought it too. When it comes to being judgmental, I admit it, I’ve blown it!

How to Know If You’re Being Judgmental or Showing Good Judgment

“She shouldn’t have done that.” “How could she think that?” “I can’t believe she actually went there!” “I would never do that…”

Sound familiar? Anyone ever whispered phrases like that in your ear? Or, have you ever muttered them under your breath?


I’ve heard that kind of stuff and said that junk and thought it too! When it comes to being judgmental, I admit, I have blown it!

3 Ways to Experience God’s Esteem

So, how’s your self-esteem? Gag. Ugh. I don’t really like that question! If I answer, “fine” or “good” or “great” then I get all twisted up with over-analysis and wonder if I’m full of myself!

If I answer, “it stinks and is really low” then I get all knotted up with guilt and despair! It’s a tricky question to answer, isn’t it?


So, let’s not answer it! Let’s ask a different — a better — question: “How’s my God esteem?”

I Want To Be Like My Son When I Grow Up

Clayton is an intelligent, thoughtful, contemplative young man. He’s always been a thinker.

When he was born, friends told me that even his little baby face looked “so serious.” Clayton is a smart guy. Chances are, whatever the topic of discussion, Clayton knows something about it … something useful, interesting.

The day I held my son in my arms for the very first time. There aren't words to describe the moment.

The day I held my son child in my arms for the very first times. There aren’t words to describe the moment.

When we traveled on a family cruise this past summer, we didn’t even miss having the use of our phones for the internet because we had Clayton with us. As we said, “Who needs Google when you’ve got Clayton!”

When an opinionated person chooses to restrain thoughts, it shows a ton of self-control and thoughtfulness toward others.
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I’ve learned from him. One thing he’s taught me is even though I may know more, I don’t have to share it. Clayton’s opinions are usually very thought-out, but he isn’t quick to begin lectures on the subject. As he’s matured, he shows other-centered restraint when it comes to dispensing his opinion. What a great example that is to me.

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