Can I Heal From Relational Hurt? With Lysa TerKeurst [Episode 250]

Heal Relational Hurt Lysa TerKeurst

Healing rarely happens overnight! It usually unfolds more gradually, and often, it’s a really rough process—especially if it’s relational healing. The long journey can begin to feel hopeless, and when the pain becomes too much to bear, you start to wonder if you’re even going to make it.

Well, my friend, you are going to make it! And today, best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst candidly shares her own healing journey and gives you practical steps to keep going when you’re worn out and tired of trying.

Can I Weather the Storm With Hope? With Grace Fox [Episode 224]

Weather Storm Hope Grace Fox

It’s not a matter of if the storms of life will come, but when. Yet in our isolated culture, lots of people are cut off from genuine help when the storm hits. Their helplessness leads to hopelessness, and without hope, they lose their sense of purpose.

But here’s the good news: Christ offers hope! And today’s guest, Grace Fox, shares how to weather life’s storms with hope. Oh, and as a woman who lives on a sailboat, Grace knows a thing or two about weathering life’s storms!

Can I Have a Flourishing Soul? With Dominic Done [Episode 217]

Flourishing Soul Dominic Done

According to recent polls, 65% of Americans feel like the last few years has spun them into an identity crisis, 68% feel defeated, 61% feel alone, and 48% feel hopeless. How can our souls flourish in the midst of those statistics?

Well, today on the 4:13 Podcast, author, speaker, pastor, and theologian, Dominic Done, will reveal seven gifts God has provided for the health of your soul. He’ll cast a much-needed vision of hope, showing us who God says we already are, no matter how we may feel.

Can I Be a Force for Life in a Culture of Suicide? With Dr. Matthew Sleeth [Episode 193]

Force Life Culture Suicide Dr. Matthew Sleeth

Every single day, someone in our world is thinking about choosing suicide. It isn’t just one or two people, but ten million Americans will consider killing themselves in the upcoming year. That’s an alarming number!

But today’s guest, Dr. Matthew Sleeth, believes Christians—and our churches—can be the first to offer hope. As a physician and minister, Dr. Sleeth will give you the practical and spiritual tools you need to help those who are wrestling with suicidal thoughts.

Can I Make It Through the Hard Days? With Ann Voskamp [Episode 192]

Way Through Hard Days Ann Voskamp

What if it’s not the hard roads that slay us? But rather, it’s the unmet expectations of what we thought the road would be that actually takes us down? Well, if you’re facing obstacle after obstacle, or if you’re smack dab in the middle of your own impossible, then today’s guest will give you the fresh perspective you need.

Best-selling author and my friend, Ann Voskamp, will help you discover that finding the way through is actually about finding a way of life. She’ll give you six habits to help you get through any hard day or season, and they’ll lead you to what your soul needs most.

Can I Hold On When I Want to Let Go? With Sheila Walsh [Episode 179]

Hold On Let Go Sheila Walsh

Have you ever felt like you’re barely holding on? Some days—some seasons—are just hard, and no matter how much we know we need to chin up and soldier on, we often just want to let go.

Well, today’s guest candidly and vulnerably shares her personal struggles with mental health and how those struggles threatened to overwhelm her, especially during the pandemic.