When You Feel Discouraged: A Scripture Pep Talk

It’s so easy to get discouraged, isn’t it? Life hits us hard and trials last too long and we just get worn out trying to stand firm in faith. Or, sometimes we are in the thick of doing good, serving God and it just seems like progress is slow, our confidence is low and discouragement is high.


I’ve felt discouraged for both reasons lately. I’ve felt overwhelmed and under-qualified to rise to the demands of ministry. I’ve fallen into a confidence crisis and just plain felt defeated. And, at the same time, my sweet Dad has been in the hospital, fighting pain and infection. My mom is worn out caring for him and instead of things getting better, they just seem to get worse. As soon as we see some progress, the next day, his fever spikes and our hope deflates. It is just downright discouraging.

Hope for the Not So Strong-Willed Mom

I answered the phone one Friday in May, just six days before school was out, and heard my tenth grade son’s history teacher say,

“Mrs.  Rothschild.” (It’s never a good sign when a phone call begins with Mrs.) “Your son, Clayton, has a 69 in my class. He’s so bright and I know he can do better… I thought you could encourage him.”

Oh, yes. I was ready to “encourage” him!


I was upset, panicked, and feeling guilty that I hadn’t been more alert. I was a mixed up mess of emotions.

The Story Behind My Book God is Just Not Fair

God is just not fair. Have you ever felt like that?

I sure have. I’ve lived that sentence over and over again. In fact, I even wrote a new book titled God is Just Not Fair (Zondervan). Within the pages of the book bears my raw, honest heart.


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Here’s why I wrote God is Just Not Fair:

I was so tired of being blind. I wanted to quit more than I wanted to keep trying.

I desperately needed to know God was enough when my life was a mess.

I questioned everything I had ever believed about God.

I needed real hope because I had real pain and real questions.

I wrote this book because I am not the only one who has felt those feelings.

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How Do You Find God Within Your Sadness?

Spill The Beans


I had the privilege of seeing you in Springfield last November and have started receiving your monthly e-mails.  My son was diagnosed in 2007 with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.   The Lord has most certainly used this circumstance to draw me much closer to Him.  However, I continue to struggle with how to adequately cope with the sadness that overcomes me at times.  What advice can you offer for getting past the sadness and moving more to a place of hope and rest?

Respectfully, Debra

Jennifer’s Answer: