I Love My Husband, But…

Happy Valentine’s Day week! It’s that time of the year when we are surrounded by paper hearts and lots of chocolate (and I’m definitely not going to complain about extra chocolate!) But, instead of talking you about how much I love my husband, I wanted to tell you about something that has been on my mind lately. Best rest assured, it still has lots to do with love, love, love. 

My daughter-in-law, Caroline, guest posted an insightful blog a while back. You may remember it; it was called My Husband Doesn’t Fulfill Me. She has been married just over a year and has come to the conclusion that her husband, my son, does not fulfill her. Now, lest you think that is a blight against my dear son, it isn’t! When she says her husband doesn’t fulfill her, she is making the point that a man is not supposed to totally fulfill his wife.

Total fulfillment can only come from God.

Her post got me to thinking. I have been married 27 years and my husband doesn’t fulfill me either. In fact, he never has. And the sad thing is, I used to blame him for it.

My Husband Still Doesn't Fulfill Me

My Extraordinarily Ordinary Thanksgiving List

It’s Thanksgiving! This wonderful holiday begs us to recognize life’s blessings – both big and small.

There are some extraordinarily ordinary things I am thankful for, so I thought I would share part of my list with you. I hope you will share part of your extraordinarily ordinary grateful list with me too!

5 Tips on How to Live a Miserable Life

I’ve noticed there are just some people who have mastered the skill of being totally miserable no matter what. It’s funny, in my observations I’ve realized that it takes serious effort to really obtain a high level of consistent misery. So, for those of you who want to live a miserable life, here’s a few tips on how to do so.  But, if you don’t want to live that way, that’s okay too. Perhaps you will choose not to apply any of my suggestions. Go ahead, be happy if you want … it’s your call!