How to Escape a Boring Life and Live a Better Story

In case you missed it, I’m officially a GiGi! I am just beside myself with joy, and I have no time to write because I am holding a sweet baby boy. So I asked my smart, fun, lovely friend Margaret Feinberg to help me out — she’s going to share with you on the blog today. She’s hung out with us before, and I know you love her as much as I do. 

But, girl, today, she is going to share with you how to not only live the life you long for, but write about it, too. I have met so many of you who say you want to write a book or a blog and my girl, Margaret, can help you do just that — in the most brilliant way. So, enjoy what she has to say and let me know what you think! 


My husband, Leif, is from Alaska. We spent the first five years of marriage living in his hometown of Sitka as well as the capital, Juneau. In each of these towns, cruise ships arrived throughout the summer.

On the busiest days, more than 20,000 people would disembark those ships and fill the tiny towns. The majority of visitors were in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. Many were barely able to walk. Some dragged an oxygen tank behind them.

I found myself welling with admiration for these feisty travelers. They fought hard to realize their lifelong dream of visiting Alaska. Way to be courageous. Way to overcome obstacles.

But the longer we stayed in Alaska, the more I heard these amazing visitors repeat the same story: They had lived their whole lives with a bucket list. Alaska was always in the top five things they wanted to do, but it never reached number one.

By the time they arrived, they physically couldn’t participate in the activities, tours, and hikes that reveal Alaska’s most splendid beauty. They couldn’t hike into the ice caves of Mendenhall glacier to see the mesmerizing sapphires of ancient winters’ beauty. They were unable to kayak along the shore with seals splashing alongside. They couldn’t hike the mountains’ crest to behold Alaska’s rugged coastline while munching on sweet wild salmonberries.

Why do I share that?

Am I Praying to God or Worrying to God?

Hello my friends! Today I’m sharing a special post from Caroline Rothschild, my daughter-in-law. She’s an incredibly wise young woman with tons of charm and insight. She married our oldest son, Clayton, last year. They now live in Houston, TX. She and Clayton met at Baylor University, where she graduated with a Professional Writing degree. She went on to receive a masters degree in Theology from Truett Seminary. She has a great blog with a growing following and I know you will love her as much as I do! Today she’s talking about how she’s learning the value of true intimacy with God through prayer. Can you relate to her story?

I start.

“Dear God …”

It starts so pure. My intentions are genuine. I start so eager to submit to what He has for me.

I pray.

I want to know what He has for me; where He is taking me in the life; what He’s up to with all these bumps I seem to be bouncing along.

I start to think about some of the bumps that seem to be piling up, and all of the sudden, all the bumps have formed into a mountain. The mountain is rocky – insurmountable. I stare at it awhile, dwelling on how ill-equipped I am to climb it. How will I ever make something of all this?

I think I’m praying, but though I start with “Dear God,” I’m not praying.

I’m worrying.

My Husband Doesn’t Fulfill Me

Hello my friends! Today I want to introduce to you Caroline Rothschild – my daughter-in-law. She’s an incredibly wise young woman with tons of charm and insight. She married our oldest son, Clayton, last year. They now live in Houston, TX. Fun little tidbit about her: when we were expecting our second baby (15 years ago), Dr. Phil and I were planning to name the baby “Caroline” if she were a girl … well, the baby was a boy who we ended up naming Connor, BUT now we finally have our very own daugther named Caroline! Cool, huh?

She and our son met at Baylor University, where she graduated with a Professional Writing degree. She went on to receive a masters degree in Theology from Truett Seminary. She has a great blog with a growing following and I am just so happy you will get to know her. I know you will love her as much as I do!

Today she’s talking about marriage – a truth that rings true whether you’re single, a newly wed, or married for 27 years like my Dr. Phil and me!

“My Husband Doesn’t Fulfill Me”

Now don’t get me wrong, my husband is my favorite person in the world. He’s my best friend, and I love him with all of myself. He makes me laugh harder than anyone else, and we can go on adventures or sit at home and have a blast. He reminds me to dream and reminds me that I am capable, intelligent, and can really make a difference in this world.

Yet, if I’m really honest, I still get lonely. I get insecure, weary, and I doubt myself. It would be so simple if I could just sit next to him on the couch and have the painful empty places that loneliness and security create filled up by him. I know I’d be the happiest wife if he could do that for me. But, even though I wish he did, he doesn’t fulfill me.

He doesn’t give me value.

He doesn’t make me important.

He doesn’t make me smart.

He doesn’t give me confidence.

He doesn’t make me pretty.

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My husband doesn’t fulfill me because he can’t fulfill me. He’s not able. He’s not supposed to. The pure love of my husband was never intended to fulfill me.

If You Have Been Looking for a Sign …

Today I welcome a guest post from my dear, dear friend Ann Voskamp, the farm girl. There’s such a humble and pure beauty about Ann that shines from her inner spirit. Ann Voskamp is a farmer’s wife, the home-educating mama to a half-dozen kids, and author of One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, a New York Times 60 week bestseller and her newest release, The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas. In her blog,, Ann writes for the weary and soul-thirsty seeking the quiet grace of our Giver. I am exceptionally thrilled to have her joining us in my hometown at our Fresh Grounded Faith event in November.

When I find out what a teenager’s done, I’d like to ring one slender neck.

Dirt rings the mudroom sink like nasty vandalism. To-do lists keep scrawling ugly, longer and longer. I can’t find my watch. The bathroom mirror is splattered and smudged. The weather forecast makes it impossible to know if we should plant our next field or wait till the next rain or what to do.

We watch the sky for a sign.

We pray, we pray these begging prayers.

[Guest Post] God, Are You Aware?

This is a guest post by Teri Lynne Underwood. We asked Teri to share a personal story about a time in her life when she asked one of the questions Jennifer asks in her Bible study Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense. Enjoy Teri’s story. You can follow Teri on her blog here.

Since March 2011 our family has been through some pretty significant changes and events. From our niece’s heart transplant to moving back to Alabama as my husband joined the staff of a church here, our life has been filled with ups and downs for the past 18 months.

In March of this year, we found out my husband’s brother and sister-in-law were divorcing and the aftermath of that broken marriage continues to affect all of us in ways we could never have imagined.

[Guest Post]: God, Do You Hear Prayer?

The following is a guest post by Jennifer McLemore. Jennifer recounts her story of family heartache and God’s restoration as her Missing Pieces were restored by her Creator.

My husband and I married right out of high school and have been married 34 years! We give God all the glory!

God blessed us with 2 daughters, as different as night and day in looks and personalities! Both of our girls had given their hearts to the Lord during their teen years and we were all living our lives as unto the Lord to the best of our ability and with what we knew at that time in our lives.

Our oldest daughter was married a few months before her 21st birthday and was married for 3 years when she called and told us she was leaving her husband. My husband and I were more than surprised and it rocked our world.