This is an encore episode of the 4:13 Podcast. KC and I hope you enjoy it!
This is an encore episode of the 4:13 Podcast. KC and I hope you enjoy it!
You know that feeling you get when you’re with family? You belong. You’re safe. You’re accepted and loved.
Well, that may not all be totally true about how you feel when you’re with family because you may have a tricky, prickly family dynamic. But, it is totally 100% true when you’re with the family of God. And, that’s what it felt like this past weekend at Fresh Grounded Faith Springfield.
Do you have any special memories that come up when you read, hear, or think of Psalm 23?
Maybe it was granny’s favorite Psalm. Or maybe it was read at the funeral of someone you love. You may have seen it on a plaque or memorized it as a child.
This passage stirs up all sorts of emotions, doesn’t it?
David, who wrote this Psalm, tells us in the first verse, “The Lord is my…” He then finishes it with “shepherd.”
Think about the word “my.” The verse doesn’t say that the Lord is “a” shepherd or “our” shepherd. It says He is “my” shepherd. To me, “my” means personal possession.
Free download alert! Get your “3 Scriptures to Help You Stand Still When You Want to Fight Back” printable in the links below.
My hand was on the bathroom stall door handle, ready to open it, when I heard familiar voices.
I stopped and stood perfectly still.
Free download alert! Get your 3 Prayers to S.E.T. You on the Right Path printable in the links below.
Have you ever been faced with a decision and had absolutely no idea what to do, what to choose, or how to make the best choice?
Oh, friend, I have!
Sometimes life offers us lots of questions and very few answers. We find many paths before us, but very few reliable directions about which path is the best for us. It’s not easy, is it?
When my son, Clayton, was three years old, our local theater had a cheap summer movie series. They featured cartoon movies for just $2—and that included the popcorn!
Now, if you’re a new podcast listener, this might be a good time to tell you that I’m blind. And, by the third film in the series, I needed a way to entertain myself while Clayton and the friends we went with enjoyed the 90 minutes of cartoon silliness.