How to Turn Worry in to Peace


I got an email with that as the subject line. Now, that will get your attention, won’t it?

It was from a woman whom I will call Veronica. She says she is a chronic worrier and has panic attacks. She reads her Bible and prays, but speaks really damaging self-talk to herself.


She needed some encouraging advice…

So, I spilled the beans on how to turn worry in to peace through prayer.

The Secret to Finding Encouragment

I’ve been on the phone, and on my knees, a lot lately because I have some friends that are really struggling. Health issues, relationship hurts, financial worries, and just plain stress seem to be epidemics in my little part of the world.

Can you relate? Oh, I bet you can.


I want to help lift them up out of their despair, fear, or disappointment. But, in and of myself, I can’t. That is God’s deal and I know He will.

All I can do is pray and encourage them.

While I was trying to encourage them, it dawned on me… no matter who I am talking to, and no matter what their problem may be, my encouragement seems the same.

Wanna know what it is?

It’s way simple because life is too complicated for encouragement to require an instruction manual!