Above and Beyond – FGF Highlights, Shelbyville, KY

The weekend started with high drama before any of us stepped on the stage at Shelby Christian Church. As final preparations were being made for the Fresh Grounded Faith conference, our Local Conference Coordinator, Evann Roberts, got an 8 mm kidney stone and had to have surgery!

Thank you to Richard Welman for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here.

So on Thursday, which was set up day for the conference, Evann went in for the procedure. She was released from the hospital around 11:00 a.m., but that woman is amazing! She and her mom, Kim—the pastor’s wife—picked up lunch for all of the volunteers and stayed at the church the rest of the day until our FGF National Conference Director, Terrie Bitter, left that evening.

You Build More Than You See – FGF Highlights, Gainesville, FL

Sara stood on stage and told the crowd of women in Gainesville what happened over 30 years ago. She described how she was a young atheist who attended a Christian college. She explained how a young man, who was a few years older than she was, told her about Christ. She even recounted how vivid her memory was of the very place where one of their conversations took place—it was a place she remembered because it was a conversation she would never forget.

Thank you to Zach Jernigan for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here.

The Church Is Alive and Well – FGF Highlights, Lake Charles, LA

As I sat on the front row waiting for Fresh Grounded Faith to begin, two ladies came up to Phil and me and handed Phil an envelope. They explained that in it was a piece of their church—a literal fragment from their building. Hurricane Delta had destroyed their church building and they wanted us to have a piece of it as a reminder to pray for their rebuild.

Thank you to Jennifer Canter for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here.

I was honored to take that broken piece. As I held it, I thought of how Delta may have destroyed church buildings, but it did not destroy the Church! The Church is alive and well in Lake Charles, Louisiana!

The Church in the Middle of a Cornfield – FGF Highlights, Georgetown, DE

The church in the middle of the cornfield. That’s how Kaye Bennett, Fresh Grounded Faith Georgetown’s Local Conference Coordinator, described her church when we first scheduled FGF. But, now that I’m home from such an amazing weekend, I call it “the church in the middle of God’s will.”

Thank you to Lisa Wile for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here.

The conference sold out, and that was during the coronavirus! We gathered socially distanced but totally connected in spirit. We worshipped together both on-site and online as Michael O’Brien lead us. Oh, girl, when he busted out his 70’s medley, even the young women in that place sang out with vintage Andraé Crouch tunes!

They Were Family From Hello – FGF Highlights, Kokomo, IN

Fresh Grounded Faith Kokomo was like instant family!

Thank you to Audrey Haerr for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here.

There was such a welcoming spirit in the church building when we arrived. I could feel it! You know, there’s a difference between being kind and being welcoming. There’s a difference between cordiality and hospitality. And, these ladies in Kokomo were welcoming and hospitable—like family from the word hello!