Jennifer recently visited with hosts, James and Betty Robison, on this episode of “LIFE Today.” Watch it now!
Tag Archives: feelings
How to Get Through What You Can’t Get Over
How to Not Eat Your Feelings
4 Life-Giving Truths for Every Daughter
I am a mom of two sons. But, if I had a daughter, this is what I would tell her. And, if I could go back in time and sit down with my teenage self, this is what I would tell her too.
My friend, plant these words deep in the soil of a young woman’s heart that you love – may they be words that grow into sturdy and steadfast character.
Layers of Pain Require Levels of Healing
I’ve been on the phone a lot lately with a friend who is going through the messy aftermath of a hurtful break up.
The man she thought she was going to marry wasn’t close to the man he turned out to be.
Not only is she dealing with the grief of a lost relationship of a future husband, but also the loss of the man she thought she loved, a man she now has to accept as a fraud. Isn’t that hard? Have you been there?
Are Feelings Supposed to Serve and Strengthen Us?
Dear Jennifer,
I am facilitating a small group of 4 other women through the MM&L study. It is FANTASTIC! Thank you for the work you did to put it together. We are all benefiting so much from all there is to learn.
We all were confused by your statement that “feelings are supposed to serve and strengthen us.” What do you mean by that? We get how the good emotions can strengthen us, but we really didn’t understand how our feelings are supposed to serve us.
Sincerely, Jenn
Jennifer’s Answer