Can I Transform Self-Sabotage Into Spiritual Success? With Dr. Alison Cook [Episode 323]

Transform Self Sabotage Spiritual Success Dr. Alison Cook

Do you ever beat yourself up when your feelings don’t line up with how you think you should feel? Perhaps you’ve said, “I shouldn’t feel this way” or “Why does this even bother me?”

Well, my friend, there’s a reason you feel the way you feel, and those inner tensions don’t have to result in guilt, shame, or being frustrated with yourself.

Today on the 4:13, Dr. Alison Cook is back to help you walk through the conflicting thoughts and emotions that leave you confused and feeling defeated. She’ll show you how to name, tame, and transform those unruly thoughts so you don’t have to be stuck in them anymore, but instead experience emotional freedom.

Can I Have a Real Relationship With the Holy Spirit? With Costi Hinn [Episode 313]

real relationship Holy Spirit Costi Hinn

Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in the lives of believers?

This is a common question, and if we don’t go to Scripture for the answer, we can find ourselves greatly misled about the work of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, whether it’s intentional or not, many Christians today seek health, wealth, and happiness by calling on the Holy Spirit like a cosmic butler there to meet our every need. But when things don’t go as hoped, they often wonder if the Holy Spirit is even real or question His purpose if not to give us what we ask for.

Well, my friend, it shouldn’t be this way because that’s not who the Holy Spirit is to us!

Can I Trash Expectations and Still Be Happy? With Amanda Held Opelt [Episode 293]

Trash Expectations Still Happy Amanda Held Opelt

What does it mean to be blessed? Are Christians automatically entitled to happiness, fulfillment, and perfect peace? Should God’s presence guarantee us emotional ease amidst suffering?

Wow! Those are some very interesting questions, aren’t they?

Well today, you’ll get far more than interesting answers. You are going to be enlightened and inspired as we consider our expectations of what a life of faith should feel like as we face difficulties.

Can I Learn To Deal With How I Feel? With Dr. James Merritt [Episode 235]

Learn Deal How Feel Dr. James Merritt

In today’s climate of turmoil and uncertainty, complicated feelings run rampant. Yet the God who created your emotions has also given you everything you need to navigate them.

Today’s guest, Dr. James Merritt, is going to help you understand and apply the Bible’s practical guidance for handling difficult emotions, including jealousy, anxiety, rage, and loneliness.

Can I See Miracles Even In My Mistakes? With Hope Carpenter [Episode 178]

See Miracles Mistakes Hope Carpenter

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book The Most Beautiful Disaster by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

We’ve all made mistakes we deeply regret, haven’t we? Well, today you’ll hear from a woman who nearly destroyed her family, her church, and her ministry by living a double life. But then … God did something miraculous! Out of her brokenness, He made something beautiful.

Can I Set Boundaries for My Heart? With Dr. Alison Cook [Episode 170]

Set Boundaries Heart Alison Cook

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Boundaries for Your Soul by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Do you control your feelings, or do your feelings control you? Lots of us let guilt, anger, or self-criticism be the boss of us, which makes a total mess of things.

You may say to yourself, “I just need to get over it.” or “I’ve got to stop thinking that way.” But the truth is this tactic rarely works, and in fact, it can make things worse.