Can I Set Boundaries for My Heart? With Dr. Alison Cook [Episode 170]

Set Boundaries Heart Alison Cook

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Boundaries for Your Soul by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Do you control your feelings, or do your feelings control you? Lots of us let guilt, anger, or self-criticism be the boss of us, which makes a total mess of things.

You may say to yourself, “I just need to get over it.” or “I’ve got to stop thinking that way.” But the truth is this tactic rarely works, and in fact, it can make things worse.

Can I Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating? With Barb Raveling [Episode 164]

Say Goodbye Emotional Eating Barb Raveling

Episode 164 [Part 1]

Episode 164 [Part 2 – BONUS]

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t struggle on some level with their relationship with food. I sure do, and that’s why I found this episode with Barb Raveling, life coach and author, so helpful!

It’s full of practical tips and grace to help you get a right perspective on food, self-control, and renewing your mind. It’s a giant-sized portion of encouragement, so come with a great appetite because you are about to get full!

How to Interview Your Soul

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues?
(Psalm 42:5 MSG)

Have you ever asked your soul questions like that? Why are you in despair? Why so down, so negative, so anxious?

How to Interview Your soul image

If you’ve never done that, now would be a good time to start. Grab a cup of coffee, take a seat at your kitchen table, and have an interview with your soul.

4 Strategies to Control Your Emotions So They Don’t Control You

Have you ever had one of those highly unpleasant exchanges when someone you love asks, “Is it your time of the month?” Bad idea. Very bad idea.


Let me just say, that is never a good question to ask a woman because usually when that question is asked, it is because she just freaked out or melted down! Let’s be honest — emotions crest and feelings take a dive on any given day of the month! It isn’t always hormones that make our emotions get out of control!

Three Questions Every Mom Needs to Ask Herself

Motherhood comes with lots of stuff — joy, laughter and stress! And, motherhood comes with one thing every mom gets and no mom wants… guilt!

One thing it does not come with is a rewind button! We can’t rewind and redo what we regret. But, that’s okay, sister.


We can do something to prevent some of the regret.

How to Bless the Lord with Your Soul

Okay, my husband has officially been told that his jokes are “Dad Jokes.”

Do you know what that means? Well, if you have a teenager, you probably do.
Dad jokes are well… how shall I put it? Dumb. Yep, they’re just flat out dumb. And, my husband has taken “dad jokes” to an all new, Olympic-sized level.