Can I Foster a Family Culture of Simplicity? With Jennifer Pepito [Episode 340]

Foster Family Culture Simplicity Jennifer Pepito

Our culture has come unhinged from so many timeless values that what was once considered normal and healthy for your home is now countercultural. Habits like eating a meal together, praying as a family, and living a slower-paced life are no longer the norm.

So, in this demanding and chaotic world, how do we foster peace, simplicity, and stability for our families?

Can I Get a Fresh Perspective on the Bible? With Kristi McLelland [Episode 315]

Fresh Perspective Bible Kristi McLelland

We often approach the Bible like an instruction manual for living our lives, reading it primarily with ourselves in mind and viewing it through the lens of our current culture. But what if we read Scripture differently—through the Middle Eastern lens in which the Bible was originally written and understood?

Well, today’s guest, professor and biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland, highlights the importance of the historical, cultural, geographic, and linguistic contexts of Scripture. She’ll explain how the Bible is a timeless, transformational story with one cohesive storyline, helping you make sense of what you’re reading.