Can I Have a Relationship With God Without Going to Church? With Ericka Andersen [Episode 229]

Relationship God Without Church Ericka Andersen

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Reason to Return by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Are you one of the 16 million American women who have left the church in the last decade? There are lots of reasons for this mass exodus. Yet, many of these women still desire a close relationship with God and a deeper spiritual life.

Well today, author Ericka Andersen delves into the reasons why women are leaving the church in droves.

How Do You Set Boundaries?

Spill The Beans


I need some advice on how to maintain a boundary when I’m not at work.  I work at the church that I attend!  I truly feel that I have not been to worship anymore.  People ask me to do things that should be done during my workweek.  I have been pulled out of my class while I was teaching to work!   I love helping people, but I need a better way to help people understand I’m not at work . If I don’t do it, they will go to the Student Minister who can’t say no either.

– Anonymous

Jennifer’s Answer: