Can I Find the Path to a Joy-Filled Life? With Tara Dew [Episode 325]

Path Joy-Filled Life Tara Dew

When life is hard or sad, it can feel like joy is out of reach. And when we’re in a really difficult season, the “overflowing joy” spoken of in Scripture can seem impossible to experience. But that’s not true, my friend! We can experience joy in any circumstance and experience it in full.

Today’s guest, author and Bible teacher Tara Dew, explains that if you’re willing to take Jesus up on His word, you’ll find that God’s pruning, God’s presence, and God’s commands have the power to deliver a ton of joy to your life.

Can I Know My Divine Purpose? With Nancy Gavilanes [Episode 318]

Know Divine Purpose Nancy Gavilanes

God has given you a divine purpose, but sometimes life has this way of beating us down and robbing us of our confidence. So instead of following God’s calling, we’re left paralyzed with feelings of insecurity, doubt, or fear of being unqualified or unworthy.

But today, Nancy Gavilanes will help you break free from the chains of doubt and fear so you can live out God’s purpose for your life. She’ll speak directly to your heart, offering hope and encouragement through six transformative truths about your divine purpose.