Do You Recognize Lies?

Dear Jennifer,
I really don’t know if you read these or care about reading emails. I am twenty-something years old, struggled with an eating disorder and have gotten help with it. But now I struggle the most with my thoughts. My friend suggested that I should read your book Self Talk Soul Talk. It’s a great book, and it’s helping. The hardest part for me right now, and maybe you have some great advice, is the things that were said to me. My husband’s mother and my mother told me I cause all the family problems and a teacher pulled me out of class and told me I wouldn’t amount to anything. How do you overcome these thoughts?

Jennifer’s Answer:

The truth is you are a child of God, dearly loved, and purposefully created. You will amount to everything God has planned for you.

Thanks for emailing me. And, thanks for being so honest. I am glad you are reading Self Talk, Soul Talk, and I pray God uses it to help you. You asked how you overcome that kind of destructive talk you have heard…well, most importantly, you ask God to help you discern truth and recognize lies.

Of course, your teacher did not speak truth to you when she told you that you would amount to nothing. That is a lie. When you recognize a lie, you reject it. Then, you re-label it with truth. The truth is that you are a child of God, dearly loved, and purposefully created who will amount to everything God has planned for you. And, His plan is to prosper and give you a hope and a future! There is not one human being who will amount to nothing! Stay in His Word so you will know His truth.

As, far as being marked as the trouble maker of the family, well, if it’s a lie, reject it. If it’s a lie, then re-label it with truth. The truth is you and I as believers are peace-makers. We make peace part of the way we live. We make joy part of everyday. If it is remotely true that you are or have been a trouble maker, then don’t let it be a fateful label, repent and move on! God is with you, keep walking by faith sister.





Got any other ideas for our friend? If so, please share in the comments below. Or, if you have had similar experience, I would love to know. Leave a comment here.


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