Can I Read Through the Whole Bible in Just 90 Days? With Mary DeMuth [Episode 312]

read whole bible 90 days Mary DeMuth

Have you ever read the whole Bible? How about in just three months?

Well, according to today’s guest, author Mary DeMuth, you can supercharge your walk with God by reading the entire Bible—cover to cover—in just 90 days.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, but believe me when I say it’s totally doable and has a profound impact. It can transform how you view Scripture, build your confidence in handling the Word of God accurately, and immerse you into a powerful spiritual discipline.

So, if your time in the Bible has felt tedious and you’re longing to revitalize your faith, listen in! What you hear today may be just what you need.

Meet Mary

Mary DeMuth is a speaker, podcaster, and author of nearly 50 books, fiction and nonfiction, including her latest book, 90-Day Bible Reading Challenge. As an avid Bible reader, she has guided many people into the Scriptures to supercharge their faith. Through God’s healing, Mary has overcome a difficult past to become an authentic example of what it means to live a brand-new story. She loves to help others “re-story” their lives through the books she writes. Mary lives in Texas with her husband of 33 years and is a mom to three adult children.

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4:13 Podcast: Can I Read Through the Whole Bible in Just 90 Days? With Mary DeMuth [Episode 312]

Mary DeMuth: Rapid reading, you think, well, I'm not really getting much. But it gives you such a context for Scripture. We have been bred and trained to read verses out of context. And even preachers are preaching them out of context. And, you know, I know there's just not a lot of time to read the whole passage. But when you're reading significant passages and you come across Jeremiah 29:11 and you realize this is actually written to an exiled nation and this isn't a promise for -- it's good words, definitely, but it's about thriving in exile. You see that context in a way that you never would have had if you had robbed it of its context.

Jennifer Rothschild: Have you ever read the whole Bible? How about, have you read the whole Bible in just three months? Yep, 90 days. Well, according to today's guest, Mary DeMuth, you can. You can supercharge your walk with God by reading the entire Bible in just three months. So here's the thing. If your time in the Bible has been tedious, or maybe you're just longing to revitalize your faith, what you are going to hear today I guarantee will be just what you need. Yes, it is possible to read the whole Bible in 90 days, because, my people, I am doing it. And today you will learn how. You need to hear this to believe it. I did. So let's get started.

K.C. Wright: Welcome to the 4:13 Podcast, where practical encouragement and biblical wisdom set you up to live the "I Can" life, because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Now, welcome your host, Jennifer Rothschild.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, we are so happy you're here. That was K.C. Wright, my Seeing Eye Guy. And we're sitting here in the podcast closet, two friends, one topic, and zero stress. And this topic today may have spiked your blood pressure and made you feel a little stressed, because you're like, Read the whole Bible in 90 days? What in the world? Well, that's what I thought.

K.C. Wright: Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: So I started doing it. And I cannot tell you, my people, how much I have loved it, how life-giving it is, how the Bible suddenly has become this one big story. Now, it does take some sacrifice, but listen, Mary's going to tell us how to do it. And the good thing is you can listen. Right? You can listen to it on any of your Bible apps.

I just thought of something, though. Speaking of listening, K.C.'s ears -- K.C.'s a very good listener now, my people --

K.C. Wright: Yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: -- because he has very clean ears. He's got to tell you what he bought on Amazon.

K.C. Wright: Right.

Jennifer Rothschild: And by the way, K.C., when you tell them about this, there's going to be a lot of people who are like, "I need that," or, "My husband needs that," so we're going to put a link to it on the Show Notes. So tell our people what you told me about your ears.

K.C. Wright: First of all, I cannot believe this device is only $19.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yes, start with the price.

K.C. Wright: It's only $19.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. What is it?

K.C. Wright: It looks like an ink pen. And what it is is a camera with a little spoon. It's so tiny. The spoon is so tiny. And by the way, it comes with a set of spoons so you can replace. Okay?

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay.

K.C. Wright: So what you do is you download an app. Yes, an app comes with this pen. And at the end of this pen is a camera with a spoon. And you go inside your ear. Yes, you do. It magnifies everything inside your ear. So everybody's got those little ear hairs? Well, now you're in a jungle in the Amazon. Okay? But you find wax, and you use the spoon and you scoop it out. Now, I know you kind of just threw up in your mouth, but I'm telling you, it's rad. My daughter -- my daughter can't stand it. I have to go in my own private bedroom to do this. I was doing it in the living room while I was watching TV because it is so cool. Well, first of all, you've never seen inside your ears.

Jennifer Rothschild: No. Who has? Nobody.

K.C. Wright: Who has?

Jennifer Rothschild: Nobody.

K.C. Wright: And this camera works legit.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay, this is awesome.

K.C. Wright: And you go inside and you see the wax and you scoop it out and it cleans your ears. Now, you have to be careful. You cannot --

Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, yes.

K.C. Wright: -- shove the things too deep.

Jennifer Rothschild: No.

K.C. Wright: But it works, it's $19, my ears have never felt so clean, and it's amazing. And it's my new favorite purchase from Amazon, and I want to buy them for everybody.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. Well, I think there's a lot of people who need them. I know some people who need them, because I think, Can you not hear or are you just not listening? And this would just answer that question.

K.C. Wright: Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: But as you said, you can't shove it in. And we're going to say very clearly, we are not promoting a product that will cause hearing loss. Okay, people?

K.C. Wright: No.

Jennifer Rothschild: So you got to be responsible. Because I know there are doctors who say don't even use Q-tips. Yes, of course, be responsible.

But that is very fun, K.C.

K.C. Wright: The spoon is so tiny. And, of course, on the camera it looks like it's huge.

Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, yeah.

K.C. Wright: But when you pull out just the little thing, the little piece of wax -- sorry, it's disgusting, but we all have it.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yes, we do.

K.C. Wright: When you pull it out, you're like, oh, my gosh, seriously? It's so tiny, you can hardly see it. But with the camera, it's huge.

Jennifer Rothschild: That's crazy.

K.C. Wright: But my ears have never felt so clean. Actually, my ears feel like they're born again. My ear holes are saved because of my new device.

Jennifer Rothschild: They have been cleansed -- cleansed and sanctified. Okay. Well, there you go. So now -- you guys are getting two very practical tips today. You're learning about ear spoons with apps and how to read the Bible in 90 days, and both will make you clean.

K.C. Wright: That's right.

Jennifer Rothschild: So let's introduce Mary DeMuth.

K.C. Wright: Mary DeMuth is a speaker, podcaster, author of 50 books, fiction and non-fiction, including her latest book, "90-Day Bible Reading Challenge." As an avid Bible reader, she has guided many people into the Scriptures to supercharge their faith. Through God's healing, Mary has overcome a difficult past to become an authentic example of what it means to live a brand-new story. She loves to help others re-story their lives through the books she writes. Mary lives in Texas with her husband of 33 years and is a mom to three adult children.

Jennifer Rothschild: All right, Mary. I've already bragged about you as me and K.C. were talking. You're one of our favorite guests, so I'm glad you're back with us. But I've got to start with this question. It's a big question to me. Like, what in the world inspired you? Like, why in the world did you decide to read the entire Bible, all of it, in just three months? Okay, you got to explain this to us.

Mary DeMuth: You know, I had a friend who was doing it -- and it was about five years ago -- and I just thought that sounded interesting. And so the first time I did it, I weirdly did it in two months, which is even more crazy.

Jennifer Rothschild: Woah.

Mary DeMuth: And it became one of the most profound spiritual practices that I have practiced in my Christian life. It changed my life. And so from that point on, once or twice a year, sometimes more, I will rapid read the Bible. And because it has changed me so much -- and, you know, it takes a lot after you've walked with Christ for a long time to have something really dynamic quickly change you. I just kept doing it and I wanted it for my friends and my readers.

Jennifer Rothschild: Wow. Well, literally, when I saw the book, I was like, what is she thinking? Because I know that not only while you're doing this rapid reading, you're still also studying and, you know, you're having devotional time with the Lord. So let's just, though, be very specific about this -- okay? -- this 90-day challenge. So if someone were to do it, and, like, when you do it, how much time a day does it take? And do you do it in one sitting?

Mary DeMuth: You know, there's a lot of different ways to go about it. I have created the book in three sittings, so if one sitting makes you stressed, you can do it in three. But it usually takes me an hour a day. I'm a fairly rapid reader. But what I did in order to find the time -- because, you know, we all have plates that are full -- I had to take the mashed potatoes off my plate in order to be able to read the Bible that much and that long. And so I stopped doom scrolling on social media, which was lovely. So I got rid of one evil and replaced it with something really good.

But another thing that I've encouraged people to do is not to be legalistic about it. Because there were days and there definitely have been days where I just don't have the time in the day, and so I will listen to that section of Scripture. And sometimes if I'm really running late, I will listen to it on one and a half speed or 2.0 speed. So you can get it done. You may have to put something down, like doom scrolling, in order to do it, but it is so worth it.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, and that's what I was going to ask you, is when you added this additional time, because you're a busy lady, what did you have to forego? So doom scrolling. And definitely that is, like, not even a tradeoff, right? That's like -- yeah, that's like stop eating junk food and eat something healthy. Is there anything else that you have chosen to -- when you're doing this, to structure your day differently or forego in order to pull this off?

Mary DeMuth: I tend to do better -- and again, everyone's different. We're all wired differently. But I tend to do better when I start all my disciplines in the morning, and so that would be my first thing. And I'm kind of an all-or-nothing person, and so I would just read all the passages at once. But you're definitely welcome to read them in three chunks. The last chunk is really small. It's like one or two psalms. The first two are pretty large chunks of Scripture.

For instance, I'll tell you in the book -- and also then there's a little bit to read for each one, where my editor told me she wanted something new and surprising on every day. So I basically had to write a commentary on the whole Bible. But for instance, day 24 is 2 Samuel 22 through 24 and then 1 Kings 1 through 10, and Psalm 34. It's very doable, and it's surprising how much you can cover in such a short period of time.

Jennifer Rothschild: And so, you know, the Bible says about itself that it is living and active. So even if you are doing rapid reading through Scripture -- number one, let me just say this. It would be hard for me not to stop and go, well, what does that mean?

Mary DeMuth: Yes. Absolutely.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay? So I want to know how you resist that temptation. And then secondly, how does the livingness, the life, the sheer aliveness of Scripture bring you life even when you're rapid reading? Okay? So your speed bump of stopping to search more, how do you manage that, and then how is it giving you life?

Mary DeMuth: The speed bump that I've managed -- and I don't know that my husband actually could do this rapid read because he's such a studier. And I am too, but he's more. So he would stop at, like, "It in the beginning," and he would be like, what does that mean?

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

Mary DeMuth: So it would be -- it'd take him forever.

So what I have done is I have a little pad of paper next to my bed, or I'll pick up my journal, and if I have a conundrum or something that I'd like to further explore, I just write it down so that I can come back to it. Or if there's a theme, I'm like, oh, my goodness, this connects to that, connects to this -- which is what's the beauty of rapid reading -- I'll write that down and come back to it.

In terms of the inspiration, what it has done for me -- you know, rapid reading, you think, well, I'm not really getting much. But it gives you such a context for Scripture. We have been bred and trained to read verses out of context. And even preachers are preaching them out of context. And, you know, I know there's just not a lot of time to read the whole passage, but when you're reading significant passages and you come across Jeremiah 29:11 and you realize this is actually written to an exiled nation and this isn't a promise for -- it's good words, definitely, but it's about thriving in exile. You see that context in a way that you never would have had if you had robbed it of its context.

Jennifer Rothschild: So is that one of the surprises that came to you, is recognizing the startling -- how often we maybe misapply -- with good intentions, misapply because of context?

Mary DeMuth: Yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: And what else would have surprised you?

Mary DeMuth: Yes, so that definitely surprised me. And also just the whole story of Scripture and being able to make those hyperlinks, as the Bible Project calls it, from Old to New Testament and to see -- even though written in different languages, you begin to see patterns. And, you know, you think about the cycle of judges and you see this -- everything's going well, then they sin, they fall into sin, there's consequences. They cry out to God, God rescues them, and they're okay again. And then they just keep doing this cycle over and over again. Well, we see that throughout the whole Bible. The cycle of judges is the cycle of humanity. And really the whole story of Scripture revolves around the cycle of judges. And these are just some of the things that you begin to pick up when you have more Scripture in your head.

And then also just this beautiful part of because you're spending more time in the Bible that day, it permeates more of your life. And for me, I would think about it more because I was spending more time there.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. Well, that leads to what I was going to ask you, because I thought -- you know, we've talked a little bit about, you know, intellectually the stimulation, just for your own learning how it slips pieces into context. But that was what I was going to ask you. Spiritually has it changed you? Like, have you seen a difference in just your demeanor, maybe some sins you might struggle with, or things that -- has God used this kind of rapid read even helping in those areas?

Mary DeMuth: Most definitely, because I have more Scripture in me and more ability to -- I don't know how the correlation is, but just more of an ability to hear the Holy Spirit because you've just spent a long time with Spirit-inspired words.

And then I would say also just this underlying confidence that comes as one -- and this may be unique to me, but -- or to people who teach the Bible. But this underlying confidence of handling the Word of God and having so much more assurance. Like, I know the reality of God in a way that I hadn't when I wasn't doing this practice. You see this redemptive arc throughout Scripture and you see this relentless God who at first -- you know, if you sometimes, you know, hear some sermons that kind of portrays God as angry in the Old Testament and really cool and nice in the New Testament. But this last rapid read through through the Old Testament, I almost wanted to shake God and say, "Would you quit giving Israel second chances." Then I'd be like, oh, wait, I really like second chances and I sin too. But he was so relentless in their pursuit.

And so on a deeper level, there was this knowledge of the greatness of God, the goodness of God, his pursuit of his people, the rescue of God, his ability to reach down from the heavens and pull us up out of the pits of our own making. And all of this just -- it brought me -- I know that there are a lot of people right now deconstructing their faith. But I would challenge them to read the Bible in 90 days with an open mind and not with a mindset of I'm going to tear this down and pull it all apart, but with a mindset of I'm going to receive this story and ask God to speak to me through it. I think it'll change your life.

Jennifer Rothschild: You know, it reminds me, what you're describing, Tara Leigh Cobble has talked about -- with the Bible Recap, about teaching the Bible for years without even reading the Bible through, and how when she did, it just made God more beautiful to her. And so I love how you're describing you really saw the character of God even as you're doing rapid reads.

Okay, so here's the question, Mary. Because some of us listening, like Tara Leigh, never read the Bible all the way through ever, and so it sounds daunting to think of doing it in 90 days. So I would be curious if you think maybe that's an easier way to pursue reading Scripture from front to back for the first time, and then how, if we've never done it before? It takes discipline, I assume. Is that what it takes? And how do we develop that? How do we start?

Mary DeMuth: I actually -- that's why I wrote the book, Because I feel like if you haven't read the whole Bible, reading it in a year can weirdly be a slog.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yes. It's intimidating.

Mary DeMuth: Yes. And, like, when you're in the Book of James, you're not going to remember the Book of Leviticus because it was so far away. It was months and months ago. And so I think if you haven't ever read the Bible through, this is a really good practice.

And in terms of the discipline, I would say discipline begats discipline. And for this, I'll go to working out. When I'm working out and I'm in that good mode, it's a muscle, it's a muscle that I'm developing. And the more I do it, the more I enjoy it, and the more it encourages me to keep going.

But I was sick this last month, so there was pretty much a month off of working out. And I ran again this morning and I felt like a like a slug, like I was running through mud. Because when you're out of practice, it's hard to jump back in. It's like a muscle. And so I would say in this, I think you're going to be surprised after day five -- the first five days you're like, oh, my gosh, because you're not used to it. But once you get in the habit of it, it begets a good habit. And I wouldn't be surprised that after the 90 days, that you will want to do this again. Probably not immediately, because it is hard, but eventually again. Or it may also flood into your daily time with God and maybe even open up more space and more questions and more ability to understand the context of what you're reading.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, I love that -- you're right, discipline does beget discipline. And eventually it does show up as delight, which is what you described, which will fuel the discipline. So we just got to stick with it. We are not of those who shrink back. So that's a good word.

And I'm super appreciative, Mary, that you created the resource, because that does kind of unintimidate the process because we have a guide. And I'm glad your editor had you kind of give us a commentary on the whole Bible. Just a small little thing. Just a small little thing. But it does, it helps us understand and even be able to apply some. So we are highly recommending this book. What an excellent, unintimidating way to just hit it. And it's a challenge, but we are up for the challenge.

I'm going to get to the last question, though. And I think I know your answer, but I want it to be very clear to us. Okay, why? Why should we try this 90-day reading challenge? Why should we do it? And if we do it, what can we expect?

Mary DeMuth: We should do it because we need to know that the God of the universe loves us, and you can't help but understand that in the context of Scripture. And also, because as Christ followers we love him so much, and if we love him we will want to get to know him, and to know him is to hear his voice, and his voice rings loud in Scripture. And so that's my why at least.

And I'm also going to -- I'm going to help people too. So I believe that there is power in reading Scripture in community. And the church of old, that's what they did. They didn't have a Bible in their hands. They looked at pictures of Jesus doing things on stained glass and they heard sermons and homilies, but they didn't have a Bible in their hands, but they experienced Scripture together. And so in January, on January 1st I'm going to start a group of people, whoever. It's absolutely free. And people can go to to sign up. We've got about 300 now. I'm hoping to maybe have 500. But we're going to go through the Bible together and I'm going to add to it. And I'm also going to email them every day for 90 days to encourage them.

Jennifer Rothschild: Wow.

Mary DeMuth: And every email also has a piece of art in it that depicts what they read that day. So it's going to be a really fun process. It's a trial and error. I've never done this before quite like this in a structured way with other people, but I'm really excited about it.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, I love that. And let me pause here because -- let's say someone is hearing this podcast later and the January 1st event has already started. Do you know if it's ever green? I know you said trial and error, so you may not even know the answer. But can they go back and find it?

Mary DeMuth: Yes. And the Facebook group is called "The Nineties" --

Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, I love it.

Mary DeMuth: -- N-i-n-e-t-i-e-s, so they can always find it there. And then I will -- once those 90 days are up -- or actually, I'm probably going to set it up in my email thing that if they sign up, then they'll get those 90 days as emails --

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay, good.

Mary DeMuth: -- without having to wait.

Jennifer Rothschild: Good. Because I know someone listening and they're like, oh, no, but I'm rewinding and listening to older podcasts and I missed it.

Mary DeMuth: Yes, of course.

Jennifer Rothschild: So you're saying they did not miss it. They can go -- and we'll have links to the Facebook page of The Nineties and to your website so that they can get connected to that.

Mary DeMuth: Awesome.

Jennifer Rothschild: And then, Mary, when they do that -- because I know 413ers. We're going to do this. It's such a good practice. What can we expect? How might we be different 90 days from now if we begin this challenge?

Mary DeMuth: Well, as I mentioned before about confidence, I don't think we can -- I can overemphasize that enough. But a confidence of knowing I am a Christ follower who read through the whole Bible and now I have these connections and understand the story of God more than I ever have in my entire life. So that is going to happen, this understanding and this confidence.

But then I also believe that the Holy Spirit loves to speak through the Word of God. And those conundrums and stresses that you've been dealing with, they will be addressed in a winsome, sweet, amazing way that only God can do.

K.C. Wright: Read the Word. Trust the Word. Live the Word. You will hear God's voice and experience the confidence and comfort that comes from his living and active Word. So will you take up the 90-day challenge? We're asking.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

K.C. Wright: We will link you to Mary's website and Facebook group so you can. And we will also link you to her book on the Show Notes. Everything you need will be at the Show Notes at And we're giving one of her books away.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yay.

K.C. Wright: You can go to Jennifer's Instagram to register to win.

So let's be people of the Word. You know, Jennifer, I'm serious, we need to be people of the Word. Because the Bible says that even in the last days, even the elect will be deceived. And no one's going to get deceived in my tribe on my watch.

Jennifer Rothschild: Amen. Amen.

K.C. Wright: That's why we got to be grounded and anchored and make the Word of God the final authority in our lives. And I don't know a better way to do it than being committed for 90 days and reading it.

Jennifer Rothschild: I know, right?

K.C. Wright: Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, you cannot recognize a lie if you don't know the truth, so -- and that's how you're deceived. So, yeah.

You know, she also mentioned, by the way, being busy and listening to the Scripture. I mentioned that earlier. So I do want to recommend in a very practical sense the Dwell Bible app. That's what I use. It's, like, my go-to, and I love it. So Gregory from South Africa is the one who reads to me. You can have many different voices read to you. And I always have the most beautiful piano in the background while it's being read. So you can find Dwell also on the Show Notes, or you can go straight to to get a sweet deal to sign up for Dwell.

All right, our friends, we are done for today. So be in the Word. You can because you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. I can.

K.C. Wright: I can.

Jennifer and K.C.: And you can.

K.C. Wright: Did we really talk about earwax?

Jennifer Rothschild: You did. You did.

K.C. Wright: Okay, I did. I did.

Jennifer Rothschild: But listen, there are some people getting it right now.

Read the Bible before you buy your earwax cleaners, people. Read the Bible first.


Go deeper into this week's question in my Bible Study Bistro Facebook group. There's a community of 4:13ers waiting for you!