Behind the Scenes With the Kendrick Brothers on Their Latest Film, The Forge [BONUS]

Kendrick Brothers Forge

On this very special BONUS episode of the 4:13, the Kendrick Brothers are taking us behind the scenes of their newest film, The Forge, a new faith-filled movie with emotional themes, old friends, and new twists! And here’s something exciting…

I’ve got both Alex and Stephen Kendrick with me, so this conversation is twice as good, twice as insightful, and twice as fun hanging out with two guys we all know and love.

Can I Rest in God’s Goodness When My Story Shifts? With Sarah Frazer [Episode 311]

Rest God's Goodness Story Shifts Sarah Frazer

This wasn’t part of the plan. My story wasn’t supposed to go this way. I didn’t sign up for this.

If you’ve ever had these thoughts, chances are your story has shifted in some unexpected way. Well, you aren’t alone, my friend, and rest assured that God is with you as you go down this new path.

Today, author Sarah Frazer will take you through the unexpected plot twists in the story of Moses to help you see that even when your life seems completely derailed, God’s plan still goes forth, His presence always provides, and His purpose prevails. And you can trust that God’s sovereignty is always connected to His goodness.

Spill the Beans LIVE with Margaret Feinberg at Fresh Grounded Faith Fargo, ND [Episode 310]

spill beans fargo north dakota Margaret Feinberg Michael O'Brien

Today, you’re coming with me to Fargo, North Dakota for a Fresh Grounded Faith event. I’m sitting at the bistro table with author and speaker Margaret Feinberg and singer-songwriter Michael O’Brien, and we are spilling the beans!

We talked about how to get into the habit of meeting with God and the difference between your gifting and your calling. And we also got really honest about how to forgive when you don’t want to or feel like you can’t.

Can I Tune Into Eternity Even Now? With Amy Baik Lee [Episode 309]

tune eternity now Amy Baik Lee

Think about the way you feel when you see a sunset. Or think about other moments of beauty and peace that capture your heart—moments you sense are offering you a hint of Heaven. And what about the longing you feel when you experience homesickness or nostalgia?

It’s true these moments are meant to point you to eternity, but what if they could do more? What if they could help you live more fully on the way there?

Can I Trust God Is Working Even When I Can’t See It? With Winston Bui [Episode 308]

Trust God Working Winston Bui

Through the killing fields of Vietnam, Winston Bui’s family traveled on foot, by truck, and by a rocket-damaged boat at sea, barely escaping the war that was engulfing their country and threatening to take their father as a political prisoner.

Now, decades later, Winston is on the 4:13 to tell his story of God’s rescue and redemption. From a refugee with no country to a redeemed child in God’s family with a forever home, Winston shares how his story is just a snapshot of the bigger story of God’s mercy and grace.