Can I Really Know if I’ve Found the One? With Nick & Chelsea Hurst [Episode 249]

Know Found One Nick Chelsea Hurst

How do you know he’s the one? How do you know she’s the girl you’re supposed to marry? How do you really know you’re right for each other?

These are the kinds of questions Nick and Chelsea Hurst have been asked since over 2 million people began to follow their love story, engagement, and marriage on YouTube. And today, they’re going to dive deeper into the guidance they received, the lessons they learned, and the questions they asked themselves and each other as they navigated the biggest decision of their lives.

Spill the Beans LIVE with Kelly Minter at Fresh Grounded Faith Melbourne, FL [Episode 248]

Spill Beans Melbourne Florida Kelly Minter Michael O'Brien

Pack your bags! You’re coming with me to Melbourne, Florida for a Fresh Grounded Faith conference where this episode was recorded LIVE! Kelly Minter, Michael O’Brien, and I sat around the bistro table answering questions from the audience, and wow, did they have some great questions!

We talk about how to manage your expectations, what to do when you feel God is far away, and how to deal with doubt. Kelly also shares why she isn’t married, and I answered several interesting questions about my blindness.

Can I Juggle a Lot and Accomplish What Matters Most? With Crystal Paine [Episode 247]

Juggle Lots Accomplish Matters Most Crystal Paine

Exhausted. Burned out. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Many of us try to fit our lengthy to-do lists into our already-packed schedules but simply run out of time. It seems the only solution is to add more hours to the day—if only that were possible.

But what if we didn’t need more time? What if we chose to spend our time differently?

Can I Build a Faith That Lasts? With Alli Patterson [Episode 246]

Build Faith Lasts Alli Patterson

How do you stay strong when cracks begin to form in your life? Is your faith strong enough to help you stand when hardships try to knock you down? Or, are you clinging to the idea that if only the storms of life stayed away, you would be okay?

While trouble in this life is inevitable, collapse is not!

And today, author Alli Patterson will teach you how to build a faith that can withstand anything the world throws at it.

Spill the Beans LIVE with Margaret Feinberg and Kelly Minter at Fresh Grounded Faith Springfield, MO [Episode 245]

Spill Beans Springfield Missouri Margaret Feinberg Kelly Minter

How can I learn to pray? How can I grow in contentment when I’m single but would rather be married? How can I overcome the same old fears? How can I trust God with the people I love when they don’t believe in Him?

Whew! Good questions, right?

Well, today on the 4:13 Podcast, we are sitting around the bistro table at Fresh Grounded Faith answering those questions and many more.

Can I Know if I Am Called to Ministry? With Dr. Scott Pace and Shane Pruitt [Episode 244]

Know Called Ministry Dr. Scott Pace Shane Pruitt

How do you know if you’re being called into ministry? And isn’t every Christian called to some extent? So how do you recognize your calling, and then what do you do about it?

My friend, if you’ve asked any of these questions about God’s calling on your life, you’re not alone! And here’s the good news … today, we have lots of answers!

Dr. Scott Pace and Shane Pruitt join us on the podcast to unpack the different kinds of callings there are as well as give you four ways to recognize if you’re being called.