
Who doesn’t love something free, right? I hope these freebies bless and encourage you, sister.  Subscribe to my email updates to be the first to know about new Freebies.

Freebies from the Heaven Bible Study

Find fun and free Heaven-related freebies such as a Scripture Prayers Printable and my personal Heaven playlist at

Freebies from the Amos Bible Study

Find fun and free Amos-related freebies such as printables, screen backgrounds, prayer text messages, and my personal Good Life playlist at

Freebies from the Take Courage Bible Study

Find fun and free Take Courage-related freebies such as printables and my personal Take Courage playlist at

Freebies from the Psalm 23 Bible Study

Find fun and free Psalm 23-related freebies such as printables and my personal Psalm 23 playlist at

Freebies from Fresh Grounded Faith

Find my free “Grace” declaration card here.

Purchase a 10-pack of the “Grace” declaration card here.

Find the audio to the Spill the Beans segments at the most recent Fresh Grounded Faith events here.

Freebies from the Me, Myself, & Lies Book

Find my free 5-day email challenge and video series, The Truth Challenge: 5 Days to Healthier Self-Talk here.

Freebie from 66 Ways God Loves You

Inspired by my book, 66 Ways God Loves You, this beautiful free printable is a great reminder of how God’s love for you is woven throughout each book of Scripture.

Freebies from the Hosea Bible Study

Find the downloadable Leader Printables (Love Gifts) by scrolling down the sidebar at this page.

Freebies from the Missing Pieces Bible Study

Find weekly freebies plus a free song download of my “Take Me to the Cross” song at