Can I Let Go and Trust God? [Episode 82]

Do you struggle with wanting to be in control? Oh, friend, you aren’t alone.

I used to be a total control freak—and I’m blind. So, try to figure that one out! Today, though, I’m a recovering blind control freak. But, it took me years to figure out that I have to let go of my perfect timetable and to-do list.

You can trust God for today because He holds every day in His hands. [Click to Tweet]

Me being a control freak when I can’t see is counterproductive, right? But, let’s be honest. Even if you can see, being a control freak, in general, is completely counterproductive too.


Because demanding or expecting total control all the time in every situation is unrealistic—actually, it’s impossible.

Yet wanting to control things is a natural response to life, isn’t it? When we feel in control, we feel secure. But when we release our control to someone else, it’s uncomfortable and risky.

Today, if you’re struggling to let go and trust God, this episode of the 4:13 Podcast is for you. You’ll learn three practical ways to grow your trust muscle so you can loosen your grip on control.

3 Ways to Grow Your Trust Muscle

  1. Let go of your expectations. You’ll always try to match your expectations with your ideal picture of reality. And, when that reality isn’t what you expect, you’ll grip harder and try to control. So, start by asking yourself, “What do I expect now?” Next, ask yourself if your expectation’s rooted in reality?

    Perhaps you expected never to get sick, and you’re freaking out because you just got a bad diagnosis. You’ll grasp tightly and try to control if that’s your expectation. Most of the time, our expectations don’t help us let go and trust God because most of the time, we haven’t examined our expectations. So, they set us up for disappointment and fear.

  2. Let go of your timing. If you try to control time, you’ll be stressed and disappointed. Ask yourself, “Why is my timing so important? Is my timetable the only possible way this situation can go down?” To grow your trust muscle, you have to let go of your timetable.

    Sometimes, when things don’t happen as quickly as we hope, we try to move all the chess pieces on the board all at once, and the result is chaos. As you learn to trust God, you trade your timing for His. You’re able to let go of your schedule along with your expectations.

  3. Let go of your Plan B. You may be going through life with a backpack full of Plan B, but you don’t need it because God has your back. While, sure, it’s good to prepare, your trust muscle won’t grow if you never exercise it. So, take a risk.

    You may see it as a risk to let go of your expectations, your timetable, and your Plan B. But it’s no risk to trust the One who’s totally trustworthy. It’s no risk to place our faith in the One who’s Faithful. Why cling to our Plan B’s when we can cling to His promises? You can trust God for today because He holds every day in His hands.

Friend, whatever you face, God really is in control. You can, as Proverbs 3:5-6 says:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.”

Instead of clinging to your Plan B, cling to God’s promises. He is faithful. [Click to Tweet]

So, go ahead and loosen your grip. God will come through for you because, just like Hebrews 10:23 says, “He Who promised is faithful.”

And remember, wherever you are right now, whatever you’re facing, you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength!

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