I just spent the weekend with almost 7000 Jewelers at the annual Premier Designs Rally held in Fort Worth. I was their guest speaker Friday afternoon, and I can’t tell you how much I loved it. I wore my PD Jewelry proudly on stage (thx Dana), and told this enthusiastic group that my cane had almost as much bling as some of them were wearing. If you gotta carry it, why not decorate it.

Just some of the Jewelers I loved meeting at PD Rally
I laughed everytime a woman would come to my book signing table — the amount of bling they wore was like a honing device for this blind girl. I knew exactly where they were…at all times.
And what did I loved more than their jewelry? You guessed it. It was the Jewelers themselves, and the incredible leadership of this great company. I speak to thousands of women each year, and I’ve never felt more love from an audience. And I pray that my message on being a Gutsy Girl inspired them to say I Can, I Am, and I Will, regardless of their circumstance.
To all my new Gutsy Girl-friends from Premiere, thank you for loving on me. As soon as I can, I’ll have my peeps post a download of the Gutsy Girl message I shared. So if you haven’t signed up for my email updates, please do, so we can keep in touch. Would also love for you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook (see some photos of Rally there too)
And to Gutsy Guy Andy Horner, and Tim, Bob, Tommy, Kevin, and Gina, thanks for all you did to make the Rally such an inspirational experience for everyone, and leading this company with such integrity.
Oh, and a highlight for my Dr. Phil was meeting all the cool men of Premier, and the Patriotic Service on Saturday morning.
Okay, gotta run. Flying off to Quito, Ecuador on Sunday, with Compassion International. More on that later.
Question: Tell me what you enjoyed this past weekend? Do anything special? Leave a comment here, or share this on FB or Twitter.