Can I Circle Up With Other Women To Go Deeper With Faith? [Episode 327]

Circle Up With Women Go Deeper Faith Proverbs 31 Ministries

Have you ever Googled “Christian book about _____” to find a book that will help you get through something you’re facing? Or maybe you’ve found yourself wishing you could just spill it with other women to help you with that thing you’re facing.

Well today, I’m hanging out with my friend Kendra from Proverbs 31 Ministries, and we’re getting honest about how women need each other and how joining together—even if it’s only online—can help us go and grow deeper in our faith.

So, pour your coffee and pull up a chair, and get ready to learn how to circle up with other women to grow deeper in your faith.

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4:13 Podcast: Can I Circle Up With Other Women To Go Deeper With Faith? [Episode 327]

Jennifer Rothschild: Heaven. Who goes there? Where is it? And what will we do when we get there? Questions like these come up when we think about an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next?

Well, in my latest Bible study, "Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight," you will get seven sessions that are video-based that will explore the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. I will separate what's true about Heaven from what's based on legend and media and hopeful guesses. As you walk through this Heaven Bible study with me, you will not only get a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for you, his child, but also you will learn how to live today with confidence as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits.

Oh, don't just wonder about Heaven; embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace. Go to to get your copy and a free sample of the first chapter and first video teaching. Plus, you're going to get lots of free things there for the 4:13 family. All right. Now here's the podcast.

Have you ever googled "Christian book about ______" to find a book that is going to help you get through something that you're facing? Or maybe you have found yourself feeling alone, wishing you could just spill it with other women to help you with that thing that you're facing. Well, today I'm hanging out with a woman named Kendra, and she's from Proverbs 31 Ministries. And I love this woman. We are getting honest about how we as women need each other and how joining together, even if it's only online, can help us go and grow deeper in our faith. So pour your coffee and pull up a chair and get ready to learn how to circle up with other women to grow deeper in your faith. Here we go.

KC Wright: Welcome to the 4:13 Podcast, where practical encouragement and biblical wisdom set you up to live the "I Can" life, because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Now, welcome your host, Jennifer Rothschild.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, welcome our friends. That was KC Wright, my Seeing Eye Guy. And it's two friends, and it's one topic, and it's zero stress. But guess what? It's really not two friends in the podcast closet right now, it's just me. I'm here all by myself. Insert sighs and groans. KC's not here.

Now, let me tell you why KC's not here. Now, you might think it's because it's December, and knowing KC and his obsession with this holiday, that he's out shopping or buying more trees or ornaments that he doesn't need that he will eventually sell at his own garage sale. But no, that's not it. The reason KC's not here is because I messed up. I forgot that I had asked him to come record. And he told me he was on his way, and I said, "What?" And I wasn't prepared. And then we could not figure out how to get our schedules together. Because you guys understand, it's the busiest time of the year. So it is going to be two friends, because it's going to be me and Kendra, who I'll introduce in a second. But, no. I know, I miss him, too. We both miss KC. So you're going to get half the insight, half the fun, but half the trouble. Come on, let's be honest.

But I will tell you a story -- okay -- just real quick that happened. This is part of the reason I forgot about my schedule and that I was supposed to record with KC. Okay. So we had our grandchildren -- we have four of them. They're all under the age of seven. Okay, right there insert sigh. Because it is, it's overwhelming. And I think I need to have a two-grandchild limit, because I get overwhelmed with four quickly.

And so anyway, these are four precious little kids, and we were having a wonderful time. We're sitting at dinner together, and it's just me and Phil and -- actually, it was just the three boys at this point. And so the oldest boy is Tripp -- he's seven -- then there's Lawson -- he's five -- and then there's John Robert, who's three.

We're making dinner conversation, as you do with grandchildren. And so I look to Tripp and I say, "Tripp, what do you want to be when you grow up?" And Tripp says, "I want to be an engineer and an astronaut." Like, just first thing he said. And that fits his personality, you guys. And so then I look at Lawson, "Lawson, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Lawson, who still can't say his R's, he says, "I want to be a builder, like Papa." His other grandfather is a builder. And he says, "And an artist," because he loves to draw. That fits his personality also. So then we turn to John Robert. "John Robert, what do you want to be when you grow up?" And that child did not even -- he didn't miss a beat. And he said, "Pokémon." So we've got, yes, a budding Pokémon, a builder, and an astronaut. Those are our people.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share with you part of the reason that I got my schedule mixed up, and that's why KC isn't here. So I know you miss him. I miss him too. But you're not going to miss out today, because we're doing something kind of fun and different anyway, which you're about to hear.

This is not an author of a book who I'm talking to today. I'm just having conversation with a girlfriend, and I want you to feel a part of it because you're part of this circle of friends. Her name is Kendra. I've known her for the last seven or eight years. And I met her when she was only 25. She's a younger woman, which I always love because I might not be on the younger scale now of age. I love talking with youngers. They're so smart. They're so delightful. And I learn a lot from them, and you will too, because we're talking about the importance of gathering.

And one of the things I wanted you to know about, because I think it's really good, is something that Proverbs 31 is doing that will help you stay connected with other women in the new year. It's a book club called Circle 31. And we'll talk a little bit about it. But I just think you're going to enjoy this conversation and being a part of it. So settle in. Go ahead and get over -- dry your tears -- missing the fact that KC isn't here. And now, let's hang with zero stress, two friends, one topic. This is me and Kendra talking about gathering for a book club.

Kendra, I am really excited about our conversation, because this is going to be a little different. So normally -- my people know this. Normally I've got this author on here -- right? -- and he or she is an expert on such and such. But you and me, we're not experts on anything except being us and having a conversation. But we're going to talk about something that matters to all of us. All right, so that's where I want us to go with this.

But before we really get into this, I got to tell my people something. I don't even know if you know this, Kendra. A million years ago -- because you're with Proverbs 31 --

Kendra LeGrand: Yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: -- and you guys did an online Bible study. One of my Bible studies or books was featured. And you flew to Springfield, Missouri, where I lived, for us to have a conversation for that to be part of this online Bible study. You remember all that, right?

Kendra LeGrand: Yes, I sure do.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. And we had fun because we went to Bass Pro Shops. You were the cutest little single thing with your trucker hat on. You remember all that?

Kendra LeGrand: I sure do, yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: And I was ready to steal you from Proverbs 31 and hire you. Okay, my people, Kendra, was all that.

Okay, fast forward. I start getting an email from this woman named Kendra LeGrand, and she's talking about this Circle 31 Book Club. And I'm like, Well, hi, Kendra, it's nice to meet you. I don't know if you remember this. And basically, long story short, I find out that within the time I first met you and now, you have gotten married and had a baby. I had no idea.

Kendra LeGrand: Yeah. You've seen me grow up, Jennifer. I met you when I was 25, and now I'm 32.

Jennifer Rothschild: Isn't that amazing? Yeah, so this Kendra LeGrand, I'm like, well, who is this lovely young woman? I'd like to know her. And I'm like, well, I already do. It is pretty cool, Kendra, really. And what I love about that, sister, it's just the beauty of sisterhood and relationship and community in Christ. It's just the coolest thing.

Kendra LeGrand: It really is.

Jennifer Rothschild: What's neat about it too is -- I think it's just a perfect illustration of what we're talking about today. Because we don't live in the same town, you and me. We've met each other online, had many conversations online, and -- well, we did get to meet in person when you were sporting your cute Bass Pro trucker hat and I'm trying to find single men to set you up with. But now here we are so many years later. And that's beautiful. That's just what it is to be sisters. So that's what I want us to talk about. What you and I have, even though it may not be intimate because we don't get to spend a ton of time together, it's still safe and trusting and personal. And that's what we need as sisters, and that's one of things that you guys have done in Proverbs 31.

So I want to start with this, because it's interesting to me -- like I mentioned, many years ago I was part of your online Bible study. And a lot of us 4:13ers, we're Bible study geeks and Bible study girls. And so Proverbs 31 always did an online Bible study, but now you've shifted to something different. You're doing a book club. So why did you shift? Kind of give us an understanding of -- like, is that to replace Bible study? What's up with that?

Kendra LeGrand: That is a great question. So we will always have an element of Bible study because we do believe that the tagline of Proverbs is know the truth, live the truth; it changes everything. So the truth of God's Word is the foundation to everything that we do. But we just noticed -- I mean, I don't know if you've ever experienced it, but fatigue is a real thing. And content is always coming at us. I mean, we scroll on social media and read and watch so much that we wanted to be very intentional with not -- like, the fatigue of small talk, and actually taking it deeper, using topics that women are talking about in their everyday life.

If you go to a coffee shop and you hear women talking, they're usually talking about maybe some things that they're struggling with or some problems that they're having. And so Proverbs 31, through this Circle 31 Book Club, wanted to enter into those problems and offer biblical solutions through these topical books. And so, of course, truth will always be the foundation to every book that we choose. But sometimes it's easier to step into conversations when it's about a specific topic and then bring in truth that supports it from a biblical lens.

Jennifer Rothschild: I really love that. Because it's also -- for a lot of women, it's very much more of an entry level. Like if you said, "We're going to all study the Book of Ezekiel," wha, wha -- a lot of women would be like, "I can't do that." But if you say, "We're going to talk about what it means to relax and live a life of less striving," we're like, "Yes, I'm all in. I need it." Your coffee shop illustration is a great one, and so kind of that's the feel that you're having.

So, okay. Like, that's ideal, right? When we can gather with skin on skin with our people in a coffee shop, that's super helpful. But I'm curious how you guys have navigated this. Because what's the point of gathering, especially when it's, like, cyber based and it's online and we're actually scattered? How do you achieve a gathering that way?

Kendra LeGrand: Ooh, that is a great question. So we've done a lot of research for what this looks like. Because we don't just want to be another online platform; we want to be very intentional. And so a word that you'll always hear us say -- or a phrase I should say, is "Good Things Happen When You Grow." Because we, as women -- I mean, me specifically, I can get very disheartened when I'm not making the progress that I want to make. And there's always these little areas of growth that we can make together.

And so through Circle 31 Book Club, we want to grow. And everybody's growth looks different. We ultimately want to become more and more like Christ. Every day we want to try to reflect him a little bit more. But my step of progress might look different than your step of progress, and so we created what we call Grow Groups. And there are three groups that go along with every book that we read, and they each tackle a different topic or an area of growth that you might be struggling with based on the book we're reading.

So we read the book as a team, we pull out three things that women might be struggling with, and then through trained leaders, and even sometimes Proverbs 31 staff members, we lead these Grow Groups to really help women make the spiritual progress that they're longing for together in these, I would say, large small groups.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, yeah. Okay, I love that concept. Because I know the book that you're featuring in the spring. And we're going to talk a little bit about that in just a sec. But that's interesting, because parts of it resonated more with me than other parts. So that means, like, I could join a Grow Group that fits where I am wanting and needing to grow the most. That's very insightful.

So one of the things I love about what y'all do over there at Proverbs 31, you're just a bunch of girls being real with each other and finding the real places to join together in what God is doing. So this is really, really sweet. I love the idea of the Grow Groups. Okay. So, Kendra, I got to actually talk to Megan Marshman --

Kendra LeGrand: Yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: -- and this is the book you're featuring in -- is it in February? Is that when y'all start?

Kendra LeGrand: It's in February, yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay.

Kendra LeGrand: It's coming up.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, it is. Which is great, everybody, because here we are, early December, and you've got holidays. This gives you time to plan, to gather your people, to just know, okay, in the new year this is what I'm going to do in February. And what a great way to start. Instead of new year, new you, how about let's just do new year, let's get relaxed with the Lord.

Okay. So I got to talk with her. And actually our podcast, The 4:13, with Megan Marshman will post in March. So that's good timing also. What a sweet little complement to what y'all will be reading with the Circle 31.

But I'm curious, Kendra. So you've already read the book, I assume. And, if so, like, give us the scoop. What's her deal?

Kendra LeGrand: Oh, she's a delight, isn't she?

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

Kendra LeGrand: I mean, you got to talk with her. I mean, she is the real deal. Recently one of my friends said, "You can tell that she spends time with Jesus." And I hope that my circle would say the same thing about me. But for her, it is so true. I mean, you meet with her, you talk with her, and you just know there's something different. And so I think that is just really unique to what we're going to be able to just learn from her and learn from what the Lord has deposited in her in her book. And so she's the real deal.

We got to have what we call Megan's Media Day, and she flew to Charlotte and we filmed videos and we recorded podcasts and we did a photoshoot, all because she really believed in what we were doing too, and so there's going to be a lot of fun elements that those that are reading with us get to experience her and have access to her and her wisdom and her teaching. So, yeah, you know she's spent time with Jesus, and it is a beautiful thing to witness and sit under for sure.

Jennifer Rothschild: You know, her voice is even -- y'all will figure this out when you join the Circle 31 Book Club or/and -- and/or when you hear the podcast. But her voice, her voice is just so mellow and --

Kendra LeGrand: Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: -- it fits her. Like, the title of her book is "Relax," you know just -- I don't know what the subtitle is. But it's just this --

Kendra LeGrand: "Walking With the One Who Isn't Worried About a Thing."

Jennifer Rothschild: "Walking With the One Who Isn't Worried About a Thing." Oh, my goodness.

Kendra LeGrand: Isn't that wonderful?

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, her voice, the sound of her voice fits that whole feel. It really does.

Kendra LeGrand: Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: And I believe, if I recall correctly, Kendra, doesn't she kind of go through Scripture, like, Proverbs 3:5-6, and take it word by word to teach you here's what it looks like to relax?

Kendra LeGrand: Yes. Yeah, that's exactly what she does. The book is four parts, and so Proverbs 3:5-6 is broken up into each -- a little part for each section. And she's so good about weaving it in.

And you might know this from talking with her, but her whole focus of the book -- and it's such a good reminder for us, especially as we go into the holiday season, maybe when we're with family members that maybe rub us the wrong way or -- as Lysa TerKeurst, who's an author, she says, "Bump into our happy." It's such a good reminder that we can live relaxed even if the world tells us it's very hard to do so. And so it's a beautiful message to live out, especially as we end the year and start another one for sure.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your path." And that's the ESV version. But I love that we need to acknowledge him and go to God, which she tells us to do in every chapter.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, that's what I recall about -- because I've already recorded my conversation with her -- that's what I recall about it. My basic takeaway was just get with God, just spend time with God.

Kendra LeGrand: Yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: And, you know, Kendra, when Jesus starts worrying, then we can too. But that's never going to happen.

Kendra LeGrand: I really like that. Yeah, that is actually a really good reminder. When he starts worrying, that gives us permission.

Jennifer Rothschild: Right. And so --

Kendra LeGrand: But he never will.

Jennifer Rothschild: He never will. So those of us who are like, "But I like to worry, I need to worry, it's what I do," well, okay. Well, when Jesus starts worrying, that's your cue, you can start. But until then, we do want to trust in him. And as a new year is right upon us, I mean, what a great time to refocus and get ready.

Now, I have a couple more questions for you, but this one's going to be just a little bit logistical. Because I know some of us are like, oh, my goodness, this works for me, because I'm a busy mama, I don't have time to get out to a coffee shop and do a book club with my people, or I'm an empty nester, or I'm retired, I can't drive, whatever it might be. So, like, just give us the skinny. And, of course, we're going to have this on the Show Notes. Some of us like to know things twice through our ears and our eyes. How does a woman get signed up? And is it free for the Circle 31 Book Club?

Kendra LeGrand: Oh, yeah. You just go to, and that's where you can become a member of our space. And the most wonderful thing about it is if you are a Type A girl and you like a schedule and you like to know what chapters to read when, we have that. If you are somebody who you just know I need to finish the book in a month, that's all you got to do. We just ask that you read the book in one month -- so 28 days for this one since it's in February -- and we'll meet up and discuss it.

So hopefully it's as simple as I make it sound. But, yes, we have something for the Type A girl and we also have something for the busy woman who's just like, listen, I just need to read when I can.

Jennifer Rothschild: Right? I love that. Because -- well, just like you have different Grow Groups, we all process information differently.

Kendra LeGrand: Yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: And I am one of those who -- I would rather spend four hours in a row reading a book than necessarily just doing 30 minutes a morning.

Kendra LeGrand: Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: We're all different. We're all different.

Kendra LeGrand: We are. And that's what makes this so great. Like, thank you, Lord, that you created us so different.

Jennifer Rothschild: Right?

Kendra LeGrand: It's wonderful. Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: Right? Okay.

Well, I'm about to get to our last question, but I just need a girlfriend question. So since I met you when you were 25, and now you're 32, you're married. And do you have more than one child or just the one little guy?

Kendra LeGrand: I just have one little boy. Yeah. He's just over a year.

Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, my goodness.

Okay, so, Kendra, let's get practical. I have a daughter-in-law. Now, she has four under the age of seven, but --

Kendra LeGrand: Oh, my gosh.

Jennifer Rothschild: It's hard. It's hard to pull off personal Bible study or book club, et cetera. How do you do it?

Kendra LeGrand: Ooh, that is a great question. I was just talking to my friend this morning because I had to pivot. Normally I get up and I -- of course, I have, like, a prayer list that I pray through. And then usually a Bible study that I do a few minutes in the morning, but I was so distracted. You know when you go to pray and then your mind just starts wondering about all the things and the to-do lists just overtake you?

Jennifer Rothschild: No. No, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Kendra LeGrand: You got it all down?

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, I got it. It never happens to me.

Kendra LeGrand: And that's why you are who you are.

Jennifer Rothschild: No.

Kendra LeGrand: We can all learn from Jennifer.

Jennifer Rothschild: And that's why I am being utterly sarcastic. I know exactly what you mean, yes.

Kendra LeGrand: And so this morning I decided to do something different, and I put on a song on Spotify, a worship song, and I just wrote down what stood out to me. So, like, a line from the song, or a word. And so I just had to pivot.

So truly it looks different every morning, but I do like doing the same thing. But I just had to be different. Something else had to take. So that's what I did this morning.

Jennifer Rothschild: I'm glad you shared that. Because no matter what stage of life we're in, we need to hear that. This is about grace. I mean, the time with the Lord that is best is the time that we do. So whether it is through a song, through one Scripture, through Bible study, whatever it is, I'm grateful.

And I love that idea personally, Kendra, because there are some songs when I hear them, I need to do that. I need to just write down one lyric. Maybe think of the Scripture it relates to and just ponder it all day.

Kendra LeGrand: Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: What a great example.

Kendra LeGrand: Oh, thanks.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay, sister, we're going to get to our last question.

Kendra LeGrand: Okay.

Jennifer Rothschild: All right. So we're heading into the most wonderful and busy and frenetic time of the year.

Kendra LeGrand: As they say, yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: Right?

Kendra LeGrand: As they say.

Jennifer Rothschild: We just had Thanksgiving, and now trees are popping up everywhere. Well, they've been popping up since Halloween. But anyway, you know what I'm saying.

Kendra LeGrand: Right.

Jennifer Rothschild: We're about to head into the busy time, and women put so much pressure on themselves. Okay, new year, I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do this. We've already decided that we're going to engage in a book that's going to bring us to peace and growth, like with Megan, with the Circle 31. Okay. But I just want you to give us, as we're heading into the busy, one takeaway that you may have gotten from Megan's book "Relax" that has encouraged you and will encourage us as we head into this busy season and into a new year.

Kendra LeGrand: That's so good. I have so many notes from when I read her book and as we discussed it with the team. But something that really stood out to me, that really is one of the heartbeats behind Circle 31, is Megan says in Chapter 6. She says, "God moves when we talk about it." And I think a lot of the time we as women are so busy that we either don't talk about it, we forget to talk about it, or we don't talk about it honestly because we're just rushing to the next thing. It really convicted me because I don't share my problems because I don't want to burden anybody else. But how could anybody speak truth into me or remind me of who God is if I am not honest and I don't talk about it?

And so that was one of my biggest takeaways, one of my convicting points, and something I hope with the Circle 31 team we create a space where women can actually talk about it. Whatever it is, whatever they're going through, that they can be honest, they can find safety, they can find connection, and we can see God move together, which is always a beautiful thing.

Jennifer Rothschild: All right. Did you hear that quote that Kendra shared at the end from Megan Marshman? "God moves when we talk about it." "God moves when we talk about it." I'm so glad she shared that quote, because it's true. I really love that. So our people, that's the point. Don't forget to talk about it. Be honest. Show up with each other and show up with your whole self.

I'm just so glad that Kendra was here today and shared about this great resource of Circle 31 Book Club. It may be just exactly what you need for this new year. It's going to be a space where women, where you can talk about it. We really do need each other, and this is a great way to grow.

So now I'm going to channel my inner KC. You can find all you need -- I'm not nearly as slick as him. But you know the drill. You can find all you need to get connected to the Circle 31 Book Club at

So don't forget, you're going to get to hear from Megan Marshman on The 4:13 in just a couple of months, in March. So stay tuned because you're going to love hearing her talk about this book that we referred to today, "Relax."

All right, get back to it. We're done for today. This episode is a wrap. KC, I miss you. So remember everyone, no matter how we feel or what we face, all of us can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. I can. KC. I can. And -- pretend you're hearing his voice right now -- you can. All right. Love you guys.


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