How Do I Cope With a Disability?

Spill The BeansHi Jennifer,

I have admired your wonderful outlook with a disability, and that it does not hinder your walk with others or with God personally. I led a Bible study in my home with many ladies using your video studies.  They were so wonderful. Now I am experiencing something new.  I was recently diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia, a rare vocal disorder that inhibits my speech.  I am not able to speak. This is a great hindrance to my daily life. I’m just trying to cope with it and thought I would write to you for any advice you may have for me, as I now also have a disability.



Hi Delisa,

I’m so sorry to hear of this new difficulty you are facing! Oh girl, I don’t have any profound advice…. I just walk by faith and trust God more than my feelings when it comes to this kind of thing. The main thing that came to mind when I asked God for any specific word for you was this – be patient with yourself and be patient with God. He will grant you grace for your present moment, so don’t worry about your future or pine away for the past. He will carry you through this….

Keep trusting, sister.


What would you say to my sister Delisa? Leave a comment here.

Can Satan Read Our Thoughts?

Dear Jennifer,

I am currently leading your Me, Myself, and Lies study. The ladies and I are enjoying your study.  I have a question about Week 4, Day 2.  Is the statement “Every thought we think is not necessarily our own,” saying that Satan is able to read our thoughts or put thoughts into our minds?  If so, how is this accomplished?  Also, what scripture would back this up?  We had been talking about this subject some weeks ago and I know they will ask about this.

Thanks, Barb

How do You Prepare for First Time Teaching?

Spill The Beans
Dear Jennifer,

I wanted to ask for your input and guidance, if you don’t mind sharing.  I am speaking at a women’s event and am working on preparing for that. This is my first teaching opportunity, so it’s new territory for me.  When you are preparing a new talk, what are your practices?  I’m unsure where to start.
Sherry G., Tennessee

Jennifer’s Answer

How Can I Possibly Rejoice in My Suffering?

Spill The Beans

Dear Jennifer,

I have been reading your book, Lessons I Learned in the Dark, and you say that one should rejoice in their suffering.  All I seem to do is get frustrated and depressed.  I have the same trials day in and day out–people making fun of me or dismissing me because they see I have a disability.

I feel that I always have to prove myself to everybody, even though I have become a success.  As you say in your book, I have become very independent, but I feel isolated.  I feel that socially; I have not experienced what others have experienced at my age.  I try to pray, but feel I make little progress.  Your book makes it seem this whole thing has been a pretty smooth ride for you, with a few bumps in the road, in which you are able to conquer most everything.

Thank you, Wendi

Jennifer’s Answer

How Do You Become a Great Leader?

Spill The Beans


I feel like I am on a spiritual high.  That’s another way of saying I feel like I am growing closer to God, learning so much and just getting to the point where I am doing things I never had a chance to do, including women’s Bible study, being in the leadership position, and taking care of an annual women’s event.

My problem is relationships.  While I am happy and willing, so many of the ladies seem discouraging, too busy or just uninterested.  I know God is leading me, yet I cannot change other people, and I am wondering if God may want to use me somewhere outside of my present church.  I keep praying about this situation.

Please give me some help.  How do I get to the place where I am not just a “good leader” but a “great leader?”

Also, I would like to know how to get the training to become a writer or a speaker.

Desperate!!!  Joy

Jennifer’s Answer

What Happens When God Doesn’t Heal?

Spill The Beans
Dear Jennifer,

I was so inspired when I first saw your video on Walking by Faith: Lessons I Learned in the Dark.  I’ve had a bad case of tinnitus for almost 1 1/2 years with severe hearing loss in one ear and several sounds that constantly are hard to put out of my mind.

I am a born again Christian but have been struggling with this since I can’t seem to get my mind off of it.  With the hearing loss, it makes it even harder because the noise seems to be louder.  I am doing some biofeedback and taking anti-depressants which do not help a whole lot.  This problem has really been severe for me and my husband, who is also a Christian.  He gets so tired of hearing me talk about it.  It really gets me down.  Since it doesn’t appear God is going to heal me, do you have any ideas on this type of affliction?

Your Friend, Discouraged

Jennifer’s Answer: