Can I Unlock Gratefulness in My Life? With Michele Howe [Episode 273]

Unlock Gratefulness Michele Howe

When our eyes are grateful, we can see grace and goodness all around us. But often, we live as if life isn’t good enough, we don’t have enough, and we just plain aren’t enough.

Well, my friend, this is where we get it all wrong—our focus is off.

According to author Michele Howe, the more we focus on ourselves, the less we develop an attitude of appreciation for what we do have. And when we dwell on the things we wish we had or immerse ourselves in the negative, our troubled feelings and actions will follow.

Spill the Beans LIVE with Katherine Wolf at Fresh Grounded Faith Atlanta, GA [Episode 272]

Spill Beans Atlanta Georgia Katherine Wolf Michael O'Brien

Get ready, my friend, because today we’re headed to Atlanta, Georgia where we recorded this episode LIVE at a Fresh Grounded Faith event.

Katherine Wolf and Michael O’Brien joined me in spilling the beans, and WOW! I was so grateful for their wisdom and perspective as they helped answer a wide range of questions from the audience!

We were asked about the hardest lesson we’ve ever had to learn, if we’ve ever struggled with comparison as a result of our disabilities, and how to deal with teenagers who are struggling with gender dysphoria.

Can I Know God Is Real? With Lee Strobel [BONUS]

Know God Real Lee Strobel

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Is God Real? by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

More than 200 times a second, someone is googling questions about God—questions like, “Is God Real?” Well, Google offers 3.7 billion results in less than a second, but which of those answers can we trust?

We want to know if God really is real, and if He is real, does He really care about us?

Well today, author, investigative journalist, and former atheist Lee Strobel will help you know with confidence that God. Is. Real.

Can I Be Okay With God’s Ways When They Don’t Make Sense? With Taylor Turkington [Episode 271]

Okay God's Ways Don't Make Sense Taylor Turkington

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Trembling Faith by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Sometimes we can become overwhelmed with all of the brokenness in our world, right? Chaos, injustice, and corruption surround us, powerful people take advantage of the weak, and societies overlook or mistreat those who desperately need help.

As people who trust in an all-powerful God, we might ask, “God, aren’t you going to help?” or “God, why are you allowing this to happen?”

Can I Trust God’s Timing? With Laurie Polich Short [Episode 270]

Trust God's Timing Laurie Polich Short

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Faith, Doubt, and God’s Mysterious Timing by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Sometimes God‘s timing just does not make sense to us. When hard situations last way too long and our deepest prayers seem to go unanswered, we often wonder, “What is God doing?”

But thankfully, the Bible is full of people who have experienced the same thing. They had to learn to trust God‘s ways and His timing, and their stories can help us trust God too.

Can I Detox Stress Through Biblical Mindfulness? With Bonnie Gray [Episode 269]

Detox Stress Biblical Mindfulness Bonnie Gray

Why is it so hard to rest and refresh when we’re stressed? Well, today on the 4:13, author and podcaster Bonnie Gray answers that question with both scientific and Scripture-based insights into your body, mind, and soul.

As we talk about her book, Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less and Transform Chaos to Calm, she’ll teach you what biblical mindfulness is and how it’s the key to breaking free from worry and anxiety.