Can I Redefine the Second Half of My Life? With Dawn Barton [Episode 279]

Redefine Second Half Life Dawn Barton

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Midlife Battle Cry by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

In a culture where middle age is thought of as a downward slope into sensible shoes and meaningless existence, we can redefine the second half of life. We can shape it into decades of fulfillment, fun, strength, and purpose.

Because, my friend, there’s no “midlife” to God. He has intended for us to live fully at every age and in every season, and it’s time we embrace it!

Audio Christmas Card Featuring Music by Michael O’Brien [Episode 277]

Audio Christmas Card Michael O'Brien

Merry Christmas to all you wonderful people I love!

Since you’re part of our 4:13 family, we’re sending you our annual Christmas card to make sure you know how much you mean to us.

This year, our families will give you their Christmas greetings in their own fun little way, KC will speak a blessing over you, and Michael O’Brien will make your heart rejoice as he sings some of his beautiful Christmas songs.

Can I Avoid Bitterness When a Friendship Fails? With Elizabeth Laing Thompson [Episode 276]

Avoid Bitterness Friendship Fails Elizabeth Laing Thompson

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book When a Friendship Falls Apart by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

We all long for “forever friends,” but what happens when forever ends?

Friends are the family we choose, and with that choice comes great joy, but also great risk… because sometimes those friendships fall apart.

So today, author Elizabeth Laing Thompson will give you practical tools for friendships that may be faltering, fractured, or on the verge of failure.

Can I Learn to Read Scripture Accurately? With Rebecca McLaughlin [Episode 275]

Learn Read Scripture Accurately Rebecca McLaughlin

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Navigating Gospel Truth by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

As Christians, we want to rightly handle the word of truth, don’t we? We need to be a people who read, study, and understand Scripture accurately, and the good news is… we can!

Today’s guest is author Rebecca McLaughlin, and she’ll not only give you good information on how to do just that, but also tons of inspiration so you will want to.

Can I Get Clear on What God Created Me To Do? With Heather MacFadyen [Episode 274]

Clear God Created Calling Heather MacFadyen

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Right Where You Belong by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Studies show that the average adult makes about 122 decisions a day. Lots of those decisions are small, of course, but not all of them. Some of our decisions can change the trajectory of our lives.

So, how do you know those important decisions landed you in the right place in life?