Spill the Beans LIVE with Ann Voskamp at Fresh Grounded Faith Chesapeake, VA [Episode 324]

Spill Beans Live Fresh Grounded Faith Chesapeake Virginia Ann Voskamp Tammy Trent Michael O'Brien

Get ready! You are coming with me to a Fresh Grounded Faith event where we’re hanging out with Ann Voskamp, Tammy Trent, and Michael O’Brien.

We’re talking about the importance of community, tips for memorizing Scripture, and how to stay on fire for God. Oh, and there’s even a special—and hilarious—call out to all the single ladies.

Then we tackle some heavy topics like what to do if you feel anger toward God, how to deal with others who lack empathy for your struggle, and where to turn if you feel like you just can’t go on.

Can I Transform Self-Sabotage Into Spiritual Success? With Dr. Alison Cook [Episode 323]

Transform Self Sabotage Spiritual Success Dr. Alison Cook

Do you ever beat yourself up when your feelings don’t line up with how you think you should feel? Perhaps you’ve said, “I shouldn’t feel this way” or “Why does this even bother me?”

Well, my friend, there’s a reason you feel the way you feel, and those inner tensions don’t have to result in guilt, shame, or being frustrated with yourself.

Today on the 4:13, Dr. Alison Cook is back to help you walk through the conflicting thoughts and emotions that leave you confused and feeling defeated. She’ll show you how to name, tame, and transform those unruly thoughts so you don’t have to be stuck in them anymore, but instead experience emotional freedom.

Can I Savor the Peace of Jesus in a Chaotic World? With Melissa Spoelstra [Episode 322]

Savor Peace Jesus Chaotic World Melissa Spoelstra

Life. It seems to move so fast, doesn’t it? Our days are filled with noise, pressing deadlines, and ever-increasing demands. And with all that’s going on in the world, worry and fear easily become our constant companions.

So in the middle of all this chaos, is it even possible to experience peace in this world?

Well, take heart, my friend! Jesus offers peace because He is peace. And today’s guest, author and Bible teacher Melissa Spoelstra, reveals how it really is possible to slow down and linger with the living Word.

Can I Really Be More Like Jesus? With Cynthia Heald [Episode 321]

Becoming Like Jesus Cynthia Heald

As Christians, we’re instructed to imitate Jesus, right? But is that even possible? Think about it! Jesus was sinless, He performed miracles, and He was God’s beloved Son! So how could we possibly come anywhere close to being like Him?

Well, today’s guest, author Cynthia Heald, shares how God Himself makes this possible. Through Scripture, she’ll teach you how God shapes our hearts, motivations, and actions so we’re conformed into His likeness.

Can I Learn to Disagree Well? With John Inazu [Episode 320]

Learn Disagree Well John Inazu

In a tense and divided cultural climate, is it even possible to have a conversation with someone who thinks differently than we do? And if so, how do you disagree without being disrespectful or compromising your convictions?

Whew! This can seem impossible sometimes, right?

Well, believe it or not, you can disagree in a godly way—one that helps you build bridges with your neighbors, coworkers, and loved ones instead of tearing them down.

Can I Pray the Psalms to Grow Closer to God? With Leslie Leyland Fields [Episode 319]

Pray Psalms Closer God Leslie Leyland Fields

Do you want to experience the presence and love of God through every joy and struggle in your life? Do you long to enrich your prayer life and grow closer to God?

Well, the psalms can help you do just that. They can guide you into fresh encounters with God, and today’s guest, author Leslie Leyland Fields, is going to show you how.