Superhero Capes Not Required

When both of my boys were growing up, they loved superheroes. I mean, what little boy isn’t fascinated with Batman and Superman who always arrive without a minute to spare and save the day? We’d sit on the living room floor with the miniature figurines and make up missions and rescues and cheer when the whole city was saved.

God fills the holes with Himself

We would take Superman and have him fly toward the “burning” Lego skyscraper and swoop in just in time to save the family. All the while his cape was flying in the wind like a true hero.

I didn’t realize it then – in fact, it took years for me to realize it – but Superman wasn’t the only one who wore a cape. I wore a superhero cape too—my superhero cape was my faith.

5 Reasons to Get My New Book This Week

I’m so happy you are here. My new book, God is Just Not Fair: Finding Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense (Zondervan) is available at bookstores everywhere starting Tuesday, March 25. Because I believe in this book so much, if you order between March 24-March 29 (Launch Week), I’m giving away 5 Bonus Gifts worth up to $107

Not Fair Book

I recently wrote a post telling you why I wrote the book and how it can help anyone who feels like life doesn’t make sense.  Ann Voskamp, Lysa TerKeurst, Kay Arthur, Kirk Cameron and others were kind enough to read it before publication. You’ll find what they thought about the book on the right side of this page.

The main thing I want to communicate here is that if you buy the book during LAUNCH WEEK (March 24-29), I will give you Five Bonus Gifts.

Five Bonus Gifts

These Five Bonus Gifts come to you in an easy-to-download format only.

See How to Get 5 Bonus Gifts Worth $107

What God Says When You’re Hurting

My dear child,

I know you are struggling. I can hear those doubts tossing around in your mind. You’re wondering if I still care about you, if I am even aware of your daily frustrations and discouragements. You feel as though the trials you are going through don’t matter to me and you question if I even hear your prayers.

I know you can’t see it now, but these trials have purpose.

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