No Mom-of-the-Year Award for Me

There’s something about routine that brings me comfort. I know what to expect and what each new day will bring.

But, there’s also something about routine – about the dailiness of life – that can make me feel stuck.

I start to feel trapped in my very own life.

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Have you ever felt swallowed up in the dailiness of your life — doing the same old chores and tasks over and over and over again?

How to Find Rest When You are Worn Out

I ran away from home last week. My friends, Paula and Joan, ran away with me.

We rented a pontoon boat and loaded it down with snacks, sunscreen, books, towels, water, and ice.

We barely pulled away from the dock before we plopped our tired selves on those hot, clammy cushions.

Being Wrong Has Never Tasted So Right

A few days ago, I was sitting across from Kim, the most amazing nail tech, who has done my nails for the past ten years. And, she gasps, “What is that on your arm? I’ve never seen it before. You need to get that looked at!”

I had no idea what she was talking about so I asked her.


“A mole,” she said, “it’s just come up in the last two weeks because I know I have never seen it before.”

She, then, took my free hand and dragged my finger across the top of the tiny bumpy mass.

The One Thing Every Mom Needs to Know

“I thought I had the parenting formula down.”

That was what my friend said as she described her kids’ behavior and attitudes.


For years, all their little bright faces, great attitudes, and constant successes were what she had always hoped for and then… what happened?