Why You Need a Hero for Your Heart

As a kid, the last thing you want to hear is, “You’re a copy cat!”

Female hands holding cups of coffee on rustic wooden table background

We all want to think we are one of a kind, an original! I have often wondered where in the world that phrase even came from anyway. I mean, have you ever known a cat who copied?! Have you even known of a finicky feline who cared enough about another human or animal to even notice them, much less, imitate them?! Cats are the most independent, “don’t tell me what to do,” “I don’t need you,” “leave me alone please,” creatures I know!

2 Ways to Become a Woman of Discernment

Awhile back, I attended a meeting of small business owners with my husband Phil. There were four businesses represented; a frozen custard shop, a health food store, an accounting firm, and our ministry!


In order for the trainer to make a point about the perils and power of influence, she wrote several words on a white board.  The words were a list of colors: red, black, blue, green…you get the idea. But, the tricky part was that she wrote all those words over and over in random order and each word which named a color was written with a marking pen of a different color! So, the word “pink” was written with blue ink; the word “yellow” was written in read ink! Stressed out yet? I know!

3 Scriptures to Pray When You Just Don’t Know What to Do

Life offers us lots of questions and very few answers. It sets before us many paths, but very few reliable directions about which path is the best for us.


We are bombarded with decisions — should I take this job? Should I quit this job?! We have endless choices — is this the college for me? Is this the guy for me? Is this the church where God wants me to be?

Shame Off You

Our body language tells our secrets even when we think we’ve got them all under wraps! For example, body language experts say that when women feel shame, they may become small in posture by slouching or turning away. They may avert their eyes, kind of like a baby covering her own eyes and imagining she’s hiding. The experts describe the body language of shame as an attempt to be invisible or an effort to hide.

Autumn concept, anonymous woman enjoying takeaway coffee cup on sunny cols fall day

Wishing she was invisible?  Longing to hide? That has to be exactly how the woman who had been caught in adultery felt when she stood before Jesus.

3 Ways to Experience God’s Esteem

So, how’s your self-esteem? Gag. Ugh. I don’t really like that question! If I answer, “fine” or “good” or “great” then I get all twisted up with over-analysis and wonder if I’m full of myself!

If I answer, “it stinks and is really low” then I get all knotted up with guilt and despair! It’s a tricky question to answer, isn’t it?


So, let’s not answer it! Let’s ask a different — a better — question: “How’s my God esteem?”