FREE Missing Pieces Online Bible Study

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For a limited time (through June 30), LifeWay has made the teaching videos available for FREE for my Bible study, Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense. So, we’re going to go through the study together in my new Bible Study Bistro Facebook Group!

Starting May 5, we’ll dive deeper into the content of Missing Pieces, discussing it together each week.

Join Our Bistro Missing Pieces Study

Learn More About My Missing Pieces Study & Access Teaching Videos

6 Ways to Overcome Sadness

“We’re overcome with deep sadness to be at this point.”

That was my friend’s response to the hard place she and her husband had found themselves.

Her beloved mother had been in and out of institutions because of mental illness and now, they had to make a hard, soul-tearing decision about her guardianship.

For years, they rallied, they loved, they emptied their savings for the best treatment centers, and they fought, trusted, and never gave up hope. And, now they felt like they were giving up her mom to an uncertain future.

What You Need to Hear from God Today

As we wrapped up filming my Psalm 23 video project, my friend, Steve, and I were talking through all the triumphs and bloopers of the shoot. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “You’re a mess…”

I interrupted and said, “That’s for sure!”

“I didn’t finish,” he continued. “I was saying you’re a messenger.”

Oh, friend, I had heard “mess” when the truth is I am a messenger.

Has that ever happened to you too?

Now Available: Psalm 23: The Shepherd With Me [DVD Bible Study]

Every woman longs for someone to protect and care for her—someone to guide her when she’s not sure of her next steps; someone to give her rest when she’s worn out; someone to walk with her when the valley gets dark. The Lord is our Shepherd, our good Shepherd. And His companionship gives us the comfort and confidence we all long for.

Sister, as we study Psalm 23 together, you will be reminded that the Shepherd is with you and you are safe with your Shepherd in every situation, in every season.

Learn More and Order Your Member Book or Leader Kit Here

Plus, you’ll find lots of fun Psalm 23 freebies, too!

Psalm 23 leader kit image

What It Means to Be Well

I stood on the deck overlooking Table Rock Lake as a pontoon boat motored by.

It revved and choked and whirred and roared and the lake started dancing! The waters lapped onto the shore and wave after wave swayed the dock so it rattled and squeaked.

As the water stirred, I listened and wondered how long it would last.

As I did, I thought how much I wished I could run down, sit on the edge of the dock, and feel the whirling waters tickle my ankles.

This One Change Can Make Your Bad Days Better

Last Christmas Eve, I made the world’s worst casserole.

Oh, girl, I am not exaggerating. If anyone else thinks theirs is bad, I will put this casserole up against it—and, I guarantee you, it would take home the title of “World’s Worst Casserole.”

The recipe called for milk, but I ran out and used buttermilk instead. Bad idea. Truly, it was the absolutely worst casserole ever!

But, my sweet family tried to be so mannerly and gracious as they swallowed each sour, sticky bite! After all, it was Christmas Eve and they were on their best holiday behavior.

When I called my dad to wish him a merry day, I told him about my Christmas Eve catastrophe, and how I had made the worst casserole. He said, “No, you didn’t. You made a great memory!”

My dad was an expert at extracting the good out of every single thing! He taught me how to create “Goodness Grabbers.” (Though, it probably would have been good if he had also taught me how to follow a recipe!)

Do you know what a Goodness Grabber is?