Did you know focusing on your future can change your present? Research has shown that thinking about the future can actually improve your mental health. It can reduce worry, increase hope, and refine your sense of purpose.
Well, that’s especially true if we’re talking about your certain future—in Heaven. Because sometimes, focusing on your uncertain future can have the opposite effect.
So today, you’re going to learn how thinking about your certain future, in Paradise, can make a huge difference in how you live today. I’ll give you three ways to become a biblical future thinker as well as practical strategies to fight the doldrums.
Sounds good, right? New year, new focus!
Get ready to lighten your load and become the future thinker God designed you to be.
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Learn More About My Heaven Bible Study
Discover answers to some of your deepest and most pressing questions about Heaven in my newest Bible study, Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight. What you learn—and unlearn—about Heaven will help you live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits.
- Watch the video trailer and order the study here!
- Watch the session one video for FREE, and download the first week of study.
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Episode Transcript
4:13 Podcast: Can I Become a Biblical Future Thinker? [Episode 332]
Jennifer Rothschild: Focusing on your future can change today. Research has actually shown that thinking about the future can actually improve your mental health. It can reduce worry, it can increase hope, and refine your sense of purpose. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, today we're going to break get this down to discover how thinking about your certain future, which is heaven, can make a huge difference in how you live today. I'm going to give you three ways to become a biblical future thinker. So get ready to lighten your load, get some practical strategies to fight the doldrums, and become the future thinker that God created you to be.
All right, KC. It's a new year and new focus. Here we go.
KC Wright: Welcome to the 4:13 Podcast, where practical encouragement and biblical wisdom set you up to live the "I Can" life, because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Now, welcome your host, Jennifer Rothschild.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, hey, our friends. We're so glad you're with us in this new year. That was KC Wright, my Seeing Eye Guy. It's two friends and one topic and zero stress here in the podcast closet. And we are calling this year 20-20-thrive.
KC Wright: Whoo!
Jennifer Rothschild: We're pretty pumped around here. Because as you know, my latest Bible study, "Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight" is finally available. It's only been out a couple of weeks, and we've gotten some really good reviews. But by the way, you may not know this. We were out of town when our shipment came in.
KC Wright: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: And so Phil called you, KC, and said, "Hey, will you pick it up?"
KC Wright: It was such an honor.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes.
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: So what happened?
KC Wright: It was such an honor. I felt such a weight of responsibility on me. And because Dr. Phil and Jennifer do so much for me -- they never ask for anything in return. And so when the opportunity arises that I get to give back, I'm first in line.
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, you're so nice.
KC Wright: So I fly over there in the Jeep, and here I find all these boxes at the UPS store, and I load my truck with Heaven. And I'm driving down the road in my Jeep truck with Heaven in my truck. And so I was -- I don't know, I got a little emotional. I know that sounds really weird.
Jennifer Rothschild: It's sweet, though.
KC Wright: But I was thinking about the impact, seriously, of every one of these books and how heaven is our home We don't belong here; we're just pilgrims, we're passing through.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.
KC Wright: One translation says we're aliens, which I'm more --
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, you are kinda --
KC Wright: -- I can relate with that.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- some days, yeah.
KC Wright: But I was thinking about, oh, my goodness, God has penned yet another book through our J.R., and it's sitting in the back of my truck.
And so then I felt another responsibility. When I arrived, I had to just make sure all the boxes were perfect.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, don't damage Heaven.
KC Wright: Yes. Because they arrived undamaged.
Jennifer Rothschild: That's right.
KC Wright: I did not want to be the guy to --
Jennifer Rothschild: Right. Heaven is perfect. Keep it that way.
Well, I love it, KC, because you always have heaven in your heart. Then you had Heaven in your Jeep.
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: And then, ladies and gentlemen, we're very sophisticated here at World Headquarters. Our warehouse is in the garage. So KC stacked box after box after box in the garage.
KC Wright: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: But I love it, KC, because Heaven, the Bible study itself, it's been out just a week or two, but it's already making a difference. And so I think Gretchen -- you've got some -- she caught some reviews for you, for you to read there to see how women are already responding. Which I love this.
KC Wright: Let me read some reviews, just to give you a taste. So, Rose, podcast hug to you. She wrote, "I highly recommend doing the study because it will change your life and perspective on how to live on earth and how important heaven is beyond wanting just to see family and friends."
Janet said, "I was reminded that our life here is brief and I need to number my days. Also love the statement that as wonderful as heaven will be, Jesus is our greatest reward."
Jennifer Rothschild: I loved that.
KC Wright: Yes. Marie wrote, "I love the concept that we can re-brand frailty with strength and dignity."
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, yeah.
KC Wright: And one other one that I loved, Marie wrote, "Eden had no tombstones" -- amen to that -- "and neither will heaven."
Jennifer Rothschild: Nope.
KC Wright: Whoo!
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, man.
KC Wright: You know, Jennifer, you said last week on the behind-the-scenes audio picture episode that earth is short and heaven is long, and that has really stuck with me.
And by the way, if you missed that, you will need to go back and listen. It was so cool to get just some ear candy, a little snapshot of being behind the scenes with J.R. And the bonus episode of Blue Flower Moments that followed, really inspiring.
Jennifer Rothschild: I know.
KC Wright: Also, you said that Ann Voskamp said you should promote your Heaven Bible study as beginning with the end in mind.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes.
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: Good idea, right?
KC Wright: So true. Because heaven is our future, it is the end. Well, actually, the beginning really.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.
KC Wright: So you call it our glorious unending.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, it is our glorious unending. And if we really think about that truth, my people, like, if we really grasp that reality, it can change everything. It has for me. And so if we keep the future in mind, that certain future of heaven, it can change how we live today. I said it earlier, that focusing on the future can actually impact and change today.
But here's the thing. It can do that either for the positive or the not so positive. It's easy, though, you know, when you think about it, KC, at the beginning of a new year, to think about this brand-new future -- right? -- that lies before us. We've got all these days ahead that are full of hope and possibility, and we wonder what will unfold. It'll have so much hope and promise.
And, of course, it also contains uncertainty. There might be a lot of hope, but there's still uncertainty. And uncertainty is often a whole lot less easy to be excited about and to embrace with anticipation. You know, what's going to happen with my kids at school, or what's going to happen with my mom's health, or my finances, or, you know, this job. You get the idea. We think about those things because it is pretty uncertain. And it's easier to be excited about what we know will happen. Like, I know I'm going to have coffee with my friend on Friday, or I know I'm getting that new car this year. Or at least we suppose we know those things. But even the coffee date or the new car, I mean, they're still not certain. They're not 100%. Our futures, like, no matter how much we plan at best, there's still an element of uncertainty.
So what if you could start this new year by focusing on the bright future that is ahead of you that is absolutely for certain? Because heaven is your certain future if you are in Christ, if you know Jesus. Now, even though it might feel like it's forever away, the reality of that day can really make a difference on how you live this day and all the days to come.
KC Wright: And, you know, this conversation is not just for those who are a little closer to heaven. It's for the 20- and 30- and 40- and 50-somethings also. And it's not morbid to acknowledge that, that someday we will be in heaven. I like to say it this way: there's 100% chance none of us are getting out of here alive. Right?
Jennifer Rothschild: Right, the statistics are true.
KC Wright: But it's actually wise to think about it. I was reading that there is actually science that affirms why focusing on the future is good for you. And when it is a certain future, like heaven, then it is really wise to do it.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. And I sent you that -- I know exactly what you're talking about. So part of that article talked about how our brains are anticipatory in nature. Because we're only capable of moving toward the future, our brains are wired to be future oriented, to anticipate. So that's why you might spend a little bit of your brain time speculating on what you think might happen. Or if you're like me, you have a Plan A, a Plan B, a Plan C. Okay, I might have some prepper tendencies. Like, I'm always planning. Seriously, I go out of town for two days, you should see my backpack. Like, I have everything you could possibly need. Like, one time I literally had one of those little heat pouches, like, that -- you know, it's like a hot pack, so you open it and it gets hot?
KC Wright: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: Just in case my back started hurting. Did I ever need it? No. But I had it. I don't know.
Are you that way, KC? Are you a prepper?
KC Wright: I have friends that are end-time preppers. Like, I have a buddy who -- he is ready for a zombie apocalypse at any time. And I kid you not, if World War III happens -- in Jesus' name it won't -- we're all safe in his home. I mean, he's got the food, he's got the -- whatever.
I mean, I prep for vacation really well.
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, that's a great thing to be a prepper for.
KC Wright: And I do have a backpack in case something happens.
Jennifer Rothschild: So you could step out the house real quick with yourself?
KC Wright: I have things like that in my life.
Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. So you're a little bit of a future thinker --
KC Wright: Right.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- and that's good.
KC Wright: I have things in case of an emergency. Like, if the lights go out, we're good.
Jennifer Rothschild: Okay.
KC Wright: You know, if the heat goes down, you know, yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, and the good thing is you have a friend who's prepared for actually --
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- anything that could happen, right?
KC Wright: For real. For real, yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: But I think a lot of us are that way. We focus on the future. So let's think about you -- okay? -- as you're listening right now. How does future thinking show up in your life? Future thinking, it can take the form of planning, strategizing, or anticipating. And that's really good stuff. We need people like KC's friend who are prepared, who think ahead and do all this and focus on the future. But the problem comes when you fixate on the uncertainty of the future. And maybe even you start to obsess about a worst-case scenario. Or maybe you anticipate, oh, it's just a matter of time till the next shoe drops. You know what I'm talking about. That kind of future thinking, man, that creates mental health issues like anxiety, like depression.
But here's the thing. Even if you aren't, like, a real depressed Eeyore kind of thinker and you don't spend a lot of time imagining those worst-case scenarios, just contemplating the uncertainty of life, it can create this kind of, you know, low-grade, free-floating anxiety and make you insecure, which can eventually lead to doom and gloom. And then if you find yourself depressed, it becomes this vicious cycle. Because research has even shown that many people who struggle with depression, they have parts of their brain that are supposed to be in charge of future thinking, they're not as active as they should be, which makes it really hard to anticipate positive future events like your beautiful future in heaven. What do you think about that, KC?
KC Wright: Okay, that is bleak. So let's think about this for a moment. In Christ, your future is not uncertain.
Jennifer Rothschild: That's right.
KC Wright: Sure, you don't know exactly how every chapter of your life will unfold -- we don't know that -- but you know how it ends, with your glorious unending, with your faith becoming sight. Can we just stop right there and ponder? Selah, calm, pause, think about this. When your faith becomes sight, you know your future is in heaven. One day our faith will become our vision. Wow.
Jennifer Rothschild: Right?
KC Wright: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: I'm glad you repeated it. Because that is our reality.
You know, I've got this friend named John, and he was telling me that his daughter -- she loves to read, but she always reads the last chapter of her book first, because she says that it helps her get through, like, the hard chapters or the difficult chapters, the challenging chapters, the boring chapters, whatever, if she knows how the story ends. I love that, my people, because we know how our story ends. We have a certain future.
In fact, I just want KC to read for us, because I want the Word to speak for itself when it comes to our future. Just sit back, take a deep breath, and listen while KC reads these verses about your glorious unending, about when your faith becomes sight, about heaven. He's going to read these over you.
KC Wright: John 14:1-3. "Do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms. If that were not so, would I have told you that I'm going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, that you also may be where I am."
Jennifer Rothschild: I love it.
KC Wright: 2 Corinthians 5:5-8. "Now, the One who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. Therefore, we will always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord, for we live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord."
Revelation 21:4-7. "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!' Then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.' He said to me: 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty, I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.'"
Jennifer Rothschild: Beautiful.
KC Wright: I hope I'm in your corner of heaven, J.R.
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, I think you will be.
KC Wright: With all the 4:13ers --
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, I think we will be.
KC Wright: -- and Cece Winans leading worship.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, KC, I mean, you just read about it. That right there, that's our future.
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: It really is our future. So I'm curious, what would happen if you focused on that, my people --
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- on your future? What if you keep the end in mind, as KC said earlier?
You know -- I was a psychology major, KC. I know you know that. And in therapy, a mental health professional, she would help her client develop future thinking skills, because that would help reduce depression. And so she might, you know, really coach up and train her client to visualize the future. She may encourage her client to have some goal setting and to help that person who might be struggling with depression or anxiety. She might help that client ponder and get to know her future self. Like, think about what your future self is going to be.
Okay. So I was thinking about those principles, like what would happen in a therapeutic setting with a counselor. And knowing what Scripture says about heaven, what if we applied some of those therapeutic practices in a biblical way to ground us in eternity and make life better on this day? Okay? So I thought we would just go through these. And let's just consider how these following three practices might help this day better in light of the reality of your certain future in heaven. I want you to think about that day, think about how these three concepts, these three practices, might help you have a better day today and every day to come this new year.
KC Wright: I love this.
Jennifer Rothschild: All right. First one is this: visualize your future. Now, this is not some weird hooley-gooley out-there thing. Like, you know, visualize yourself being 100% successful and therefore you will be. No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about in the context of what KC just read in Scripture. Visualize your future. I mean, he just read about heaven. Could you see it? I mean, I could. And so if you even read Revelation 22, you're going to see the river of life flowing, you're going to see the Holy City coming down from God. That's your future home.
Now, often when we think of heaven, like, we think of clouds and angels and harps and all these ethereal things that we just really can't relate to. But, my people, heaven, it's a literal place. It is a material place. It's not just ethereal, but it is literal and it is material. That means there is a present heaven right now. When my daddy died in 2018, my daddy went immediately to be in the presence of the Lord, in the present heaven, in the presence of God.
Now, there will come a day when Christ returns. And all of us who are in Christ, whether we have been in the present heaven or whether we are still on earth, will be ushered into the New Earth, our forever heaven, where we will have resurrected bodies. So think about it. How can visualizing your certain future in heaven, both the present heaven and the New Earth, improve your mental and emotional health today? What does your biblically-informed imagination see when you imagine heaven and you visualize your future, and how can what you see impact what you see today?
So for me, KC, when darkness just presses in, literally I visualize that city where Revelation talks about where we won't need the light because Jesus will be our light. And I'm telling you, the darkness of blindness suddenly doesn't feel so heavy when I visualize my future. Or when tears flow, like, when I'm just fatigued or sad and tears flow, I literally visualize the hand of God wiping away those tears once and for all. To feel the hand of God, to visualize that moment, y'all, that's what I'm talking about.
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: So pause and consider how you can apply this technique within the biblical confines of visualizing your future. And how's that going to strengthen you right now? How's that going to give you hope for this day? How's that going to build your anticipation for that day? So consider that. You want to visualize your future. Okay?
Second way. This is another technique to help you become a very biblically grounded future thinker. Okay? Second way, set some goals. So, like, if you were in counseling and you were just stuck in the doldrums or in depression, one of the things a therapist would help you do is figure out some goals, some short-term goals, some accessible goals, some realistic goals, some doable goals -- okay? -- because we need goals in life. Well, think about how the reality of heaven initiates and may shape some goals here for you here on earth. Okay?
So the present heaven and the New Earth, they are sure things. If that's true, which it is, then what kinds of goals could you implement here that would give you a greater sense of purpose and align your heart with that day, like, as you're pressing on to that prize that God has called you heavenward? So I'm thinking, KC, like, for me, it makes me persevere. Literally one of my goals in this life is I am not going to quit.
KC Wright: No.
Jennifer Rothschild: Because I know James 1:12 says that I will be blessed -- there will be a crown of life --
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- for me if I persevere, right?
KC Wright: Oh, yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: So it is a goal for me. I am going to persevere.
But I'll tell you another goal that I have learned to choose, because of the reality of heaven, is to love people more.
KC Wright: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: Just to love them more. Because the stuff -- like, accumulating stuff or having -- it doesn't matter. People do. And to love them well. I know that one of my goals is that when I get to heaven, I want to hear Jesus say, like he said in -- oh, man, was it John 13? "You have loved them like I have loved you." Like, that's a goal for me --
KC Wright: So good.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- because of the reality of heaven.
So I'm curious. Like, what about you? Do you have some goals that you just live by because of the truth of heaven?
KC Wright: Well, and one more about you, J.R. -- and I'm so proud of you. Jesus said, "If you love me, feed my sheep." And that is what's happening with the 4:13 Podcast. You love Jesus with all your mind, heart, soul, and strength. And each podcast we pray, "Father, use this podcast to reach one more heart with the Word." We are feeding his sheep.
But with me, all the things you said, You know, we've got this grace to run this race, and I am not going to quit. In "Finding Nemo," it's, "Just keep swimming." But honestly, you just keep going. Do not let the enemy of our souls win. We are the victorious ones.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes, we are.
KC Wright: The same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in us.
But one thing -- you know, we thank God for all the ministry gifts. And God has placed the evangelist and the prophet and the teacher and all that. But we're all called to the ministry of reconciliation.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes, we are.
KC Wright: And we can't be so attached to things on earth that we forget that people are the only things we can take to heaven, bring to heaven, right?
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.
KC Wright: So just -- yes, we praise God for the evangelists, but we're all called to seek and save that which is lost.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. That's right.
KC Wright: There was a group of grannies that prayed for this troubled teenager when I was a mess, you know. And who can we pray for? Who can we invite? I read this stat this week that 82% of people would come to church if you just invited them, and only 2% of Christians invite friends.
Jennifer Rothschild: That's a good word.
KC Wright: But not only getting them to church, but we are to be the church everywhere we go.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, to love them like Jesus.
KC Wright: So the goal is to love and to also -- man, I'm telling you, we have all these conversations that don't mean squat. Politics and sports and the weather. Man, if you really love somebody, look them square in the eye and just say, "Have you made Jesus your Lord?"
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.
KC Wright: "Can I tell you about the greatest love story ever?" "Can I tell you some Good News?" And then just tell them about Jesus. Like, I was this way before him and I'm this way now. And It's all through a prayer I prayed, and I can pray that with you, and I can get you a Bible, and -- just be about the Father's business, man.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, I love that. I mean, when Jesus was on earth, that's what his goal was, to be about the Father's business. He said, "I came to serve, not to be served."
KC Wright: Right.
Jennifer Rothschild: I mean, I think we can literally look at Jesus' earthly life and ministry. Whatever were his goals, boy, they'd be some good goals for us. So, yeah, I think it's important to think about our goals.
I remember when I was in seventh grade, there was a bulletin board -- I could still see then. And there was a bulletin board in one of my classrooms that said, "Set goals. Because if you aim at nothing, you will hit it."
KC Wright: You will hit nothing.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes. And I'm like -- I've never forgotten it.
KC Wright: Wow.
Jennifer Rothschild: But I think when we consider the reality of heaven, setting goals here helps us. Because here's the thing, we don't want to get to the end, to our last breath, with this boatload of regret, thinking, oh, my gosh, I wish I had done this. Because we're not going to get to the end of our life and go, oh, man, I wish I'd built a bigger house, oh, man, I wish I --
KC Wright: Right.
Jennifer Rothschild: No. It's going to be, no, I wish I'd loved people better, I wish I'd listened more, I wish I'd invited -- you know.
KC Wright: It's true. It's true, yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: So, yeah, we got to think about those goals. So let's be goal setters, my people.
All right, third way. Get to know your future self. Now, I love this concept. Okay? And this is really just an exercise in choosing to live intentionally and to experiencing hope. Okay? Because there is a future you. There's a future you who will be alive and well on the New Earth in your glorious unending when your faith becomes sight someday. Okay? So what is she going to experience? What is he going to be like? How is he going to feel? Think about those things. Because it's true, you will be more alive then than you are even today. So visualize, think about, and get to know that future you when you're finally home in your Father's house.
2 Corinthians 15, by the way, if you read that whole chapter, you learn that we will eventually have a resurrected body. When Christ returns, we will have a resurrected body, a glorified body, and it will be like Jesus' resurrected body. Well, if you think about Jesus' resurrected body after he rose from the dead, he was here on earth for a little while before he ascended to the Father. And he ate --
KC Wright: Yeah, fish.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- he drank, he laughed, he loved. He was a part of life in its fullest sense. You will be also.
KC Wright: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: You will be fully alive. And so I think sometimes we need to get to know that future us who's going to live unconfined and unconstrained.
Now, you know, when Jesus still was here on earth, yes, there were some laws of nature, but he didn't have to obey all of them. He still walked through walls if he chose to. And who knows what the laws of nature will be when we are there and nature has been renewed. But we will still be like Jesus was. We will have some kind of embodiment.
But even better, seriously, y'all, than the physical is the state of our emotions and our intellect. We're going to be fully redeemed, perfected. We are going to know as we are known. There will no more sin, there will be no sorrow, no pain. That's the you who's going to live forever in the presence of the Lord on the New Earth.
So what is that future you? Think about this. What would that future you, who's fully alive, free, mature in God's presence, what would that future you say to you right now? How would that future you coach you to have maybe a more grounded perspective or eternal perspective? How can your future self influence your present self? What would she say to you? Anything? Maybe that when you think about that, you might want to begin to change now based on future you. I know when I think about it, there's some things that I'm like, I don't know that I want to make a big deal of that because someday that won't exist anymore. I think I'm going to let that go. I'm going to forgive quicker. I'm going to let my future me influence my now me and grow in maturity.
So I think of 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. There's going to be a day when we are fully alive on the New Earth. And I'm going to look back on that day and think of 2 Corinthians 4:16 that said, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we're wasting away" -- which that's us right now -- "inwardly daily we're still being renewed." And these light and temporary troubles, when we get there someday, our future us is going to say, see, it was working in you a far greater weight of glory. Remember all those things that you saw? You shouldn't have fixed your eyes on those things that were seen, because those were temporary. So what I'm saying now, what my present self needs to hear from my future self is, hey, keep fixing your eyes on the future, because that is your reality. So, my people, this result, the result of really having sound biblical future thinking, is boosted hope.
KC Wright: Come on.
Jennifer Rothschild: Don't you need it?
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: An eternal perspective.
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: And greater perseverance. So become the future thinker that you were created to be. Don't waste time getting weighed down by the troubles of today when you can be grounded by the truth of eternity. So when sorrow hits, visualize God wiping away those tears.
When you get caught up in the mundane and you feel like you're just starting to lose your shine or your sense of purpose, turn your mind to your future joy, your future self, and your future reality and make pressing on to the prize of knowing Jesus better, better, and better one of the goals, because that way it'll just be a sweet reunion when you get to heaven someday.
This is part of the way, quite honestly -- I'm being very candid -- that I manage blindness. I mean, I live completely present in the dailiness, in the moments of darkness, of blindness. I feel the sting of it. I feel the loss of it. I feel the weight of it. It's very fatiguing. I don't ever get a vacation from it. I just never escape the dark. But I do think about my future, that is just as real as the present darkness, and I imagine the place that blue flowers grow, where there's no night, the place that I'm going to dance and I'm going to run. And if you're there -- and I hope you're there -- I'm going to serve you coffee and we're going to fellowship together in the light, and it'll be the light that even these blind eyes will see.
KC Wright: This is so good. This is so good. I needed all of this. I know you did too. Such a good way to start a new year. Such a good way to reset our thinking and set our mind on things above. And this is a great taste of the kind of wisdom and encouragement you will get in Jennifer's "Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight" Bible study. It's a six-week study and includes seven free videos of Jennifer's teaching also. You can learn more right now and get a copy at 413podcast.com/Heaven, or you can just simply go to jenniferrothschild.com/Heaven.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. And there you can find -- if you want to read the first chapter for free, check it out. You can do that. And you can also watch the first teaching video for free also there.
I also put together, KC, a Heaven playlist while I was writing the Bible study.
KC Wright: What?
Jennifer Rothschild: So I have all these songs that I listened to while I was writing, and I broke them up based on themes. So as you're reading and studying, you can listen to these same songs, and I think it'll help deepen the message. So that's there too. There's all sorts of good stuff there at jenniferrothschild.com/Heaven.
KC Wright: Yeah, and all sorts of Heaven swag, believe it or not.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes.
KC Wright: Like the cool "Earth Is Short, Heaven Is Long" T-shirt and tote bag. You need this beautiful study on heaven. You will learn and unlearn so much.
So become a biblical future thinker. You can because you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. I can.
Jennifer Rothschild: I can.
Jennifer and KC: And you can.
KC Wright: You know, while we were talking about heaven, one of my favorite evangelists, Dwight L. Moody.
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, yeah.
KC Wright: Yeah. He said, "One day you'll read in the paper that Dwight L. Moody has died. But on that day, don't you believe a word of it, because on that day, I'll be more alive than ever."
And when he was dying, his son has an account of -- his dad was slipping out of earth into the reality of heaven, and he kept going in and out of his sleep. And he said, "I've been to the city. I've seen the children." And his son goes, "Oh, Dad, you're just dreaming. You're just imagining that." He said, "No. No. I've been to the city gates. Today is my coronation day."
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh. May it be, Lord, may it be.
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