New to Bible Study … and Not So Sure About It?

New to Bible Study

I get questions all the time from women who are interested in reading one of my books. But once I mention my newest option is a Bible study … they pump the brakes on the conversation!

“That sounds way too intimidating!” “I wouldn’t know where to start.” “It’s just me. I don’t have anyone to study with.”

Girl, I get it! Bible study can sound a little scary, especially if you’re new to the Bible or don’t have group of women to help you along. So, if that’s you, let me unintimidate this whole concept for you!

Yes, technically it’s a Bible study, but if the thought of that scares you, think of it more like an interactive book. Because when you boil it down, that’s really what it is.

What separates my Bible studies from one of my books is that a Bible study involves you in the study of Scripture with me serving as your guide. Now, if you’re new to the Bible, don’t panic! I’ll be with you the whole time helping to break it down.

In addition to diving into Scripture together, my Bible studies also ask you questions on each day of study so you can reflect on what you’ve learned and consider how to apply it to your own life. We’re not looking for right or wrong answers here, so don’t worry!

And finally, my Bible studies come with video teaching sessions…

This is where I join you by video each week to share some additional insight and touch on what you’ve learned in your personal study. It feels like we’re together in person, and all you need for this part is a device with an internet connection! That’s it!

Now, this doesn’t sound so intimidating, does it?

My friend, the best way to do something new is to try. Give it a shot and see what happens! And remember, not only do I guide you throughout the whole process, but my team is also here to help if you get stuck!

Below are some tips to help you get started, but if you get hung up, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to help!



Weekly Schedule

Start by flipping through the first few pages of the study. Check out the Table of Contents to get familiar with the flow of the study, and then be sure to read my Introduction.

Watch Video 1 (Intro Video) and take notes on the video page in your study book.

Read Day 1, week one.
Read Day 2, week one.
Read Day 3, week one.
Read Day 4, week one.

Oftentimes, Day 5 will be structured more like a journal to reflect on what God has taught you.

At the end of the week, we encourage you to discuss what you’ve learned with friends either in person or through an online connection (like Zoom). If you’re doing the study independently, you can share what you’ve learned this week in Jennifer’s Bible Study Bistro Facebook Group.

The following week, watch Video 2 and take notes on the video page in your study book.

Then read Day 1, week two of the personal study, rinse and repeat.

How to Access the Teaching Videos

Step 1: Turn to the back of your study book, to the last page where there’s a video access guide. This is where you’ll find instructions for accessing your videos as well as your redemption code.

Step 2: Go to and register or log in to your Lifeway account. Enter the redemption code found on the last page of your study book where prompted by Lifeway.

Once you’ve entered your personal redemption code, you can stream the video teaching sessions any time from your Digital Media page on or watch them via the Lifeway On Demand app on any TV or mobile device via your Lifeway account.

Questions or Issues Accessing the Videos? Visit and search “Video Redemption Code” or call Lifeway’s Tech Support Team at 866-627-8553.

Leading the Study?

You can find a Leader’s Guide using the Table of Contents page in your study book. Plus, I often have leadership extras available on my website ( for creative ideas if leading a small group. Just ask my team for the Leader Helps for the particular study you’re doing.

Contact Us

Email: / Phone: 417-888-2067


Have you joined me on my 4:13 Podcast? Each week, you’ll get biblical encouragement as we answer a question about how to live the “I Can” life of Philippians 4:13. Listen to the latest episodes here.

Go deeper into this week's question in my Bible Study Bistro Facebook group. There's a community of 4:13ers waiting for you!