What can I do to reinforce God’s Word? I started your Bible study Fingerprints of God. I will do the homework and share in the study group, only to walk out of class and not be able to recall it. I bought your book yesterday, Self Talk, Soul Talk, and I read in it exactly what happens to me–the enemy of my mind robs the seed that was sown, and then I begin to believe the word of how I will never be able to retain it. I have beaten myself up many times over this same issue. My heart’s desire is to live out what God’s Word teaches. I clean out the closet only to realize the junk has overtaken the Word. Help! I’m feeling defeated.
Jennifer’s Answer:
Oh, my friend! Don’t beat yourself up for being human! Your Heavenly Father wouldn’t want you to do that! It’s tough to remember what you’ve learned–everyone struggles with that. Maybe you could start applying some techniques that would help enhance your memory.
Here are some examples:
1. Write it down. Write down what you want to remember. When you read or hear something that ministers to you, copy it down in a journal or note card. The exercise of transcribing it will reinforce it. Review it often.
2. Meditate upon it. Seek to memorize Scripture and easy statements of truth. Either write them on sticky notes and/or record them so you can hear them. As you constantly review, you will naturally start to meditate upon it. Take tiny bites! Don’t start with a ton…just one verse a week. Also, I say memorize easy statements of truth along with, not as a substitute for Scripture, because sometimes that will serve to guide your thoughts. For example, “Who I am and what I struggle with is not the same thing.” Or “I base my thoughts on what ‘is’ not what ‘if.” Simple statements of truth will help guide your thinking and keep your mind clear to meditate on the verses you are seeking to memorize.
3. Pray about it. Ask God’s Spirit to mentor your mind. He made your brain and He can help guide and focus your thoughts. Each time you begin to study, read or discuss, ask Him to be your mentor and watch what He will do!
God gives all of us what we need for life and godliness, so trust Him and each time you feel defeated or frustrated, turn those emotions into fervent prayer. You can do it!
With love, Jennifer
What do you use to help you meditate on God’s Word? Leave a comment here.