Can I Build a Strong and Beautiful Life? With Anh Lin [Episode 299]

Build Strong Beautiful Life Anh Lin

We all long for lasting peace and stability, whether we’re healing from painful memories, grieving a recent loss, or simply trying to find a quiet path forward in a chaotic world.

So today on the 4:13, author Anh Lin vulnerably shares how she rebuilt her life following the instability and trauma of her early years. With Christ as her new foundation, she assembled a framework for her life anchored in biblical truth—the beginnings of her “forever home.”

And, guess what? Each step she took begins with the letter R! She…

Removed the unsafe patterns,
Renewed the foundation,
Rebuilt her resilience,
Reinforced her boundaries, and
Restored the beauty God promised.

Gotta love a good mnemonic device, right?

Well, as you listen to Anh’s story, she’ll share the good news that renewal is possible for you too! She’ll give you the blueprint for your own forever home in Christ, helping you move beyond the confines of your brokenness to build a strong and beautiful life.

Meet Anh

Anh Lin is an interior stylist celebrated for her captivating designs and thought-provoking writing, including The Abundant Life Devotional Journal. In 2014, Anh’s passion for storytelling and empathy for others inspired her to start the popular faith and lifestyle blog Girl and The Word. Since launching the blog, Ahn has continued to expand her influence through YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and her successful online shop, The Hooga Shop. She lives in a renovated 1940’s fixer-upper with her husband and adorable corgi, Ollie.

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Episode Transcript

4:13 Podcast: Can I Build a Strong and Beautiful Life? With Anh Lin [Episode 299]

Ahn Lin: When you're in the demolition process, when you're tearing things down, it might look so totally beyond repair that you can't envision it ever getting better. Because you're standing in this mess of a construction site and you see pieces of your old life and it could just look so severe. But only when you get rid of the old can you actually rebuild something new and better. So if you're finding yourself -- in the middle of the demolition is what I call it. When you're in the thick of it and everything looks like it's hopeless, just know that that is the foundation for real change to happen.

Jennifer Rothschild: We all long for lasting peace and stability, whether we are healing from painful memories, grieving a recent loss, or simply just trying to find a quiet path forward in a chaotic world. Well, on today's 4:13, author Ahn Lin vulnerably shares how she rebuilt her own safe house because of the trauma in her early life.

Plus, she's going to give you five powerful several steps to build or rebuild your forever home too. Plus -- guess what? -- each step begins with the letter R. Got to love a good pneumonic device. So it is time to remove the unsafe patterns, renew the foundation, rebuild your resilience, reinforce your boundaries, and restore the beauty that God promised. See what I did there?

All right, K.C., cue the intro.

K.C. Wright: Welcome to the 4:13 Podcast, where practical encouragement and biblical wisdom set you and I up to live the "I Can" life, because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Now, welcome your host, Jennifer Rothschild.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, hey, friends. Two friends here. Just one topic and zero stress. And our whole goal is to help you be and do more than you feel capable of as you're living this "I Can" life.

I got to tell you, we've got some fun stuff coming up this summer on the podcast. We're going to do what we are calling Summer Sizzles --

K.C. Wright: Woo-hoo!

Jennifer Rothschild: -- because it's the hottest episodes.

K.C. Wright: (Makes sizzle sound.)

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

K.C. Wright: That was my sound effect for sizzle.

Jennifer Rothschild: That was really good.

K.C. Wright: Which sounded really weird. Sorry.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. Well, you already told me your buns are on fire. I know that sounds personal. But he is hot today. Because you just did CrossFit yesterday and they made --

K.C. Wright: I did.

Jennifer Rothschild: -- you do lunges that -- like, your rear-end is on fire.

K.C. Wright: My gluteus maximus is on fire right now. It hurts just to sit.

Jennifer Rothschild: That's awesome.

Well, okay, that leads us into Summer Sizzle, because that's what we're calling it. We are going to have Summer Sizzle. So here's what y'all need to do, because this is about you. I want you to go to my social media -- and we will have all that on the Show Notes, of course. But you know, because you follow on Instagram, it's @jennrothschild. Or if you go to Facebook, same thing, you'll find me there, Jennifer Rothschild. Follow so that you can weigh in on what your favorite episodes are so that you will have a fun surprise during Summer Sizzle, which is coming up. And I'm sure, K.C., you won't be on fire totally by then. You will calm down. Your gluteus maximus will have calmed down.

Anyway, we are so happy that we're talking today about rebuilding your forever home, your safe house. I loved this conversation, you people, and you're going to love it too. So unless you have anything significant or dramatic -- I love other people's drama. So unless you have any drama you want to share with me, we'll intro Ahn. You got anything, K.C.?

K.C. Wright: Save your drama.

Jennifer Rothschild: Save your drama.

K.C. Wright: Save your drama. No, I've got nothing. I mean, I've always got something.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

K.C. Wright: But I'm excited about this conversation.

Jennifer Rothschild: I know.

K.C. Wright: If you say you're looking forward to it --

Jennifer Rothschild: Then so are you.

K.C. Wright: Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. That means you will too. So let's introduce Ahn.

K.C. Wright: Ahn Lin is an interior stylist celebrated for her captivating designs and thought-provoking writing, including the Abundant Life Devotional Journal. In 2014, Ahn's passion for storytelling and empathy for others inspired her to start the popular faith and lifestyle blog, Girl And The Word. Now, since launching the blog, Ahn has continued to expand her influence through all the things, like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and her successful online shop, The Hooga Shop. Hooga, hooga.

Jennifer Rothschild: Hooga.

K.C. Wright: Hooga Shop. I like it.

Jennifer Rothschild: You're going to remember that. And we'll link to it anyway.

K.C. Wright: Yeah.

Jennifer Rothschild: But isn't that fun?

K.C. Wright: And here's the deal. I think this is so cool, too, about her. She lives in a renovated 1940s fixer-upper with her husband and adorable Corgi, Ollie. I mean, hello. Have we set the scene for you?

Jennifer Rothschild: I know.

K.C. Wright: Now, enough. Let's listen in to this great conversation that you're going to want to listen to again and again. Here's Jennifer and Ahn.

Jennifer Rothschild: All right, Ahn. I am so happy you're with me. And I'm just going to say right up front -- because I can hear your little puppy in the background -- you've got a dog back there. So let's just let our listeners know, this is going to be a four-way conversation: me, you, the listener -- and tell us what your dog's name is and what kind of dog he is.

Ahn Lin: His name's Ollie and he is a six-year-old Corgi.

Jennifer Rothschild: And why is he with us on the podcast today?

Ahn Lin: He is stuck with me at the hip. He cannot leave my side. And he gets very jealous when I am on calls, so he will join us against my will.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, he is totally welcome. Ollie, you're totally welcome.

All right, Sister, let's get it moving, because I want to know a little about your story. Because I read that your childhood was full of this constant tumultuous change transitions. And so just to give our listeners a little picture, you were just two years old when you had been living in a mud hut in Vietnam, and it was replaced finally with a concrete house. And so now here you are in the U.S. Now, I have just skipped through some highlights of your story. So would you pick up your story and just tell us how the role of home has impacted you.

Ahn Lin: Well, like you said, I had been moving throughout my childhood, just because my family was trying to make ends meet as immigrants in this new land. And without knowing the language, they really had to start over many, many times. And I remember moving from my aunt's bedroom, from when we first came to America, into an apartment in a not-so-great part of town where my parents would work all day and other immigrant parents would do the same. And so me and all the other neighborhood children would get together and just roller blade throughout the city on our own, literally like a ragtag team of toddlers and elementary school children. It was kind of crazy that we didn't have any adult supervision.

So we found crazy things, like buried guns and really, you know, strange items. I found artillery in an abandoned couch. And keep in mind, I was about, I think, seven or eight at this age.

Jennifer Rothschild: Wow.

Ahn Lin: Yeah. And that wasn't even the worst part. But after we moved out of the apartment, we moved into a garage, and then we moved into someone's back house. So it was just constant, constant transition. And every time we moved, I saw my parents having to pick up the pieces and start over again, because life would hit them as soon as they had a few dollars of savings, you know. Like, someone would get in a car accident or someone would have to have surgery for something, so it was just constant struggle for as long as I could remember. But I was young enough where I could have ignored it and just embraced, you know, the youthfulness of life and the innocence of life, but I was often confronted with things that were well beyond my comprehension, such as death and suffering and all of those more adult concepts.

And it wasn't until we finally bought our first home as a family, when I was 11, that I thought, wow, we won't have to move next year, you know. Like, we won't have to go somewhere else once the lease is up. And our family was so hopeful that this was the beginning of stability --

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

Ahn Lin: -- but sure enough --

Jennifer Rothschild: Then that changed, didn't it?

Ahn Lin: I know. It was like clockwork. It was almost like a curse. It was really strange. Three months into renovating the home together, we fell onto the shared mattress and just sighed a sigh of relief, and that night my dad woke up in this extreme pain. I mean, his screaming was -- I still hear it to this day in my mind. Like, I could still remember hearing it. It was so deafening how loud he screamed. And so we're like, this is not just a cramp. You know --

Jennifer Rothschild: Right.

Ahn Lin: -- we thought it was just, like, a muscle cramp. But it was so terrifying that we brought him to the ER. He got diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer that had spread to his spine, and that's why his back was hurting so much. And three months into his diagnosis, he passed away.

And so me and my mother -- it was just the two of us -- we were left with this brand-new mortgage and this brand-new life that we kind of had to navigate together, and it was just never the same after that between me and my mom. She was so stressed out that she was constantly having mental breakdowns and -- I mean, God bless her. She was carrying so much on her shoulders for not even having to speak the language. And so now that I'm an adult, I can empathize further. But back then I was, like, pre-teen or early teens, and it was completely unraveling for me to see my mom mistreat me so quickly after both of us losing such an important person in our lives. So that thrusted me into the wrong crowds and...

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. Well, you're searching for security at that point --

Ahn Lin: For sure.

Jennifer Rothschild: -- and identity.

Ahn Lin: Yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: And I can imagine when you finally get what would seem to be this image of semblance of security -- and, of course, our family unit is going to add so much to that. But even just that image of a home -- right? -- it all just crashed in, girl. And we don't have enough in our emotional warehouse to draw from when we're pre-teen, you know, to understand it all. And even though you clearly had developed so much resilience, when you lose the stability of your dad, and then your mom -- bless her -- is really struggling, I can so understand why then you would just be so -- like, you use the word unraveled -- destabilized and looking for security in the wrong places. But I know --

Ahn Lin: For sure.

Jennifer Rothschild: -- in your story you ended up finding it. You describe it your forever home. So where did you end up finding this? Take us to that point. Like, how bad did it get, and then how did you find this forever home in Christ?

Ahn Lin: Yeah. Well, I guess after meeting the wrong friends, I got introduced to this -- I would say he was the love of my life at that point. I had never felt that deep of a love for someone before until I met him. And he, you know, came with all the love bombing and did the sweetest things that any teenage girl could have ever hoped for. He biked across the city to see me practice during band practice on the field. He would just show up randomly at school to surprise me with things, and completely swept me off my feet.

And I remember at a certain point, we were both, like, drunk or something, and he looked at me in the eyes and he said, "I'm going to marry you. You know that?" And I took that so, like, seriously. And I thought to myself at that moment, wow, I have finally found my home. And he felt more like home than my own family did. And so I was deep into this relationship until I realized he's kind of not in his right mind. Like, he was 16; I was 14. He was also going through family troubles and had more of a, I guess, psychopathic tendency to him. And the relationship turned super manipulative.

Towards the tail end, it got physically abusive. And the night where he hit me and ended our relationship, I felt like I had lost everything, because my whole identity, my hopes, everything was in this relationship. And it ended up, like, quite literally beating me up. And so I thrusted myself into all kinds of substance abuse as a minor, trashed myself at every party that I could find, until this one particular night -- I believe I was 17 or 18 -- I was at a normal house party, still on the same substances as I was before, but this time maxed out. I would say I was so numb, I couldn't even feel the temperature around me. And that's the only way I could describe it.

And then I remember the house party ending and me stumbling into a stranger's car. And the car quickly filled up with all of my friends and the driver just took off into the night. And he was blasting really loud techno music, and there I was sitting in the back seat just sobbing and having this come-to-myself moment where I thought, "Nobody truly loves you." And just as quickly as I thought that, I had a vision of -- (dog barks) -- there's Ollie. I had a vision of the painting of Jesus in my mind's eye, and it was the altar of Jesus that my mom had moved over and over from each of our childhood homes. That was the one constant in my childhood, is my mom erecting that same altar. And I saw that altar, and I saw the painting of Jesus, and I felt this comfort just wash over me from my head down to my arms, cloaking my entire body. And I had never felt that kind of peace and comfort before in my entire life. It was a very visceral experience.

And then that got me really curious, so the next school day I contacted the only Christian friend I knew, told her the story. She got super excited and giddy and brought me to her family church, where her brother was preaching, and I fell onto my knees and gave my life to Christ during my first service.

Jennifer Rothschild: And I know you can't see me, obviously, but my eyes are brimming with tears. And I know many listeners are right now. I love what the Lord did for you. And he can do that for any of us. You weren't necessarily calling out for him, but he was always seeking you, always pursuing you, always loving you, even at your lowest moment. I'm so thankful for the kindness of Christ. And I'm so thankful that he really did become for you that safety and that forever home.

And so now here you are, decades later, I assume, and you have rebuilt this safe house. And so what I love that you've done in your book is that you're sharing ways -- in fact, five ways -- to help each person rebuild their forever home too. Because, you know, somebody listening, they may not be able to identify with the exact details of what you're describing, but they can identify with the emotion, the despair, the loss, the confusion, the need. We all have our reasons for those things.

And so I would love for us, Ahn, just to kind of go through all five ways. Because I think this is going to be very helpful for us, and it just helps us understand what you did also. So let's start in this conversation with what you started with in your book: remove the unsafe patterns of your past. So if we're going to remove the unsafe patterns of our past, how do we know what they are? Like, how do we detect what is unsafe? Because sometimes it's such a bad habit, we don't know. And then secondly, how do we begin to remove them?

Ahn Lin: Yeah. So it all begins with the deconstruction process. Right? That's what I kind of meant by removing the unsafe patterns of your past. So in the book, I use the analogy of building a house from scratch as a way to explain how to move forward from your trauma. And when you're in the demolition process, when you're tearing things down, it might look so totally beyond repair that you can't envision it ever getting better, because you're standing in this mess of a construction site and you see pieces of your old life, and it could just look so severe.

But only when you get rid of the old can you actually rebuild something new and better. So if you're finding yourself -- in the middle of the demolition is what I call it. When you're in the thick of it and everything looks like it's hopeless, just know that that is the foundation for real change to happen, because you're in the teardown. And now you get to actually move beyond that and erect something completely new.

And so the second step is to renew the foundation of your life. And the foundation that I'm talking about is the foundation of God's love, because nothing else can hold us quite like having our identity, our resilience, our hopes built upon his love. And when we have that kind of secure attachment with the Lord, it can carry us through the worst of the storms, right?

When Jesus said in Matthew that the storms of life hit and the winds come and the torrents beat against your house, it won't collapse because it's built on the bedrock. And so the bedrock that he's talking about is the love of God. So that's what I hope that we can work towards together when we're on this healing process, is just attaching ourselves to God in a more secure way so that everything else in our lives can rest firmly upon that.

And then the next --

Jennifer Rothschild: That's good.

Ahn Lin: Thank you.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, okay, pause one second, because --

Ahn Lin: Okay.

Jennifer Rothschild: -- before you go on. Because this is so good, I just don't want anyone to miss hearing what you said. I appreciate how you brought out that, like, when you are in that deconstruction, it looks like a wreck. And a lot of people think when things are a wreck, it's because it's over. And what you're saying is, no, that is the beginning. So I think that is so beautiful.

And then, Ahn, what I love is how you are making God's love that foundation to build upon. Because your whole life, love was conditional or nonexistent or absent or fleeting or whatever. Or abusive. And so now here you are with the stability of God's love. I love that. It is our bedrock. Is there any way in a very practical way that you are constantly attaching yourself and reminding yourself of God's love?

Ahn Lin: Oh, that's a good question. And that is so completely necessary to answer, because it could be such an abstract concept that people are like, okay, that sounds good, but how do I do that?

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

Ahn Lin: Well, it first starts by communicating with him. That's how a relationship deepens, right? It's when we get to know somebody, when we hear from them and not just talk to them. And that begins with quiet time. Just setting that intentional time apart where you pray to the Lord and then you listen. And then you learn to hear what he says through his Word, but also through contemplation, through the things around you. And some people might feel his presence better when they're in nature, some people might feel it better when they're in a church, so it really depends on how he created you.

But there are spaces that you can intentionally bring yourself to or create that can foster this deeper relationship with the Lord. And I'm willing to bet that the more you get to know him, the sweeter you find him to be. Like, he is such a sweet Father, and it was his sweetness that eventually touched my heart above all of his other attributes. So for you, he might -- a different part his character might stand out to you more, such as his protectiveness over you, you know --

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, yeah.

Ahn Lin: -- or just his sheer relentless pursuit of you. Everyone has a different hole in their hearts, a different need that they need to be filled, and the beauty of having a perfect Father is that he can fill every need that we could possibly have.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

Ahn Lin: Yeah. And I think it's just a matter of getting to know him, because you won't help but fall in love with how wonderful he is.

Jennifer Rothschild: Right, you can't help it. To know him really is to love him and to grow in love with him.

All right. Then you move to this next one, which is, I think, rebuilding the framework?

Ahn Lin: Foundation. Oh.

Jennifer Rothschild: So we just did foundation.

Ahn Lin: Yeah. Mm-hmm, framework.

Jennifer Rothschild: Now we're to the framework of resilience. Okay, so I'm seeing this house come together in my mind. We've got deconstruction, now we've got a foundation, and now we're rebuilding this framework of resilience. So let's talk about what resilience actually is, and then explain what this process looks like.

Ahn Lin: Yes. So rebuilding the framework also goes hand in hand with reinforcing the integrity of your boundaries. Those two have to do with creating the studs of the house, right? It's almost like the skeleton. When you're looking at a newly built framework of a home, you're seeing the bare bones. None of the drywalls and none of the electricals or anything, you're just seeing the bare studs of it. But that part is, I learned, so incredibly important, because it not only keeps the good in and the bad out, which is what boundaries does, it also helps keep your home erect and supports the structure of any furniture or, you know, weight that you fix upon the foundation as well.

And I remember when I was building my forever home, the one that I'm living in right now. We took out this load-bearing wall. And my understanding was that we would create a temporary support for it while the beam was still getting shipped to us. But instead, some of the workers thought, oh, it's going to be fine. I don't know why.

Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, no.

Ahn Lin: Uh-huh. And then, sure enough, that same day of removing the wall, the ceiling started sagging. And it is the most terrifying thing to look at. It's so ominous. It's almost like a little ominous smile, the curve of the sagging ceiling. And I'm standing there like, "This second story is going to come down this week if we don't reinforce this." And so they came back in and almost completely created the wall up again. So they tore down the wall and almost completely rebuilt it, essentially, to just keep the second story up.

And that was when it hit me, like, wow, there are so many priorities that we have in our lives and so many hopes and dreams and callings that God gives us from season to season, that if we don't have the right boundaries to keep this internal framework strong, we're going to absolutely start collapsing. You know, it might not be the entire house, but parts of our house or parts of our lives might start coming down slowly, the weight won't be able to be supported --

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. Right.

Ahn Lin: -- when -- you know, if you just say yes to everything, you're taking on more weight than your framework can support. And so once we --

Jennifer Rothschild: Ooh.

Ahn Lin: Yeah. It's so important to have the right boundaries. And that also gives you more -- or greater resilience in the long term.

Jennifer Rothschild: Well, and what I like about that, too, Ahn, is you cannot have those kind of -- that framework and the boundaries unless you have a good foundation.

Ahn Lin: Exactly.

Jennifer Rothschild: Because sometimes I think we're like, well, I don't -- I love God, I love people. I don't know how to have healthy boundaries. But if you really are stabilized by the love of God, his Spirit does give you wisdom about those boundaries.

Ahn Lin: Yes.

Jennifer Rothschild: Was that a hard thing for you to manage boundaries, to learn boundaries?

Ahn Lin: Oh, absolutely. It was not even a concept that I grasped my entire life. I didn't learn about boundaries until I had my first session of therapy pretty much. I had read -- I'm sure I've read about it here and there in books and whatnot up until then. But if you just don't know what it is, it goes right over your head, you know. You really have to do this deep emotional autopsy on yourself to see where the areas are that you've missed when it comes to having proper boundaries.

And boundaries is not being mean or -- you know, a lot of people have this misconception that it's punishment or, you know --

Jennifer Rothschild: Or selfish.

Ahn Lin: Or selfish. Exactly. Or unbiblical. And Christian women especially have this guilt, I feel, when it comes to setting the right boundaries in their relationships. But truly, if we want to echo the heart of God, we have to embrace his boundaries. I mean, just flip open the first book of the Bible. You see boundaries everywhere. You know, he separated the waters and the land. There are physical boundaries. And then when he created man, he said, "You can eat everything except this tree." Boundaries are for our protection. It's not for punishment.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah.

Ahn Lin: And when we really understand that it's not just a good idea, but it's a God idea, like Lisa TerKeurst says --

Jennifer Rothschild: Yes.

Ahn Lin: -- we will be able to have much more fulfilling relationships that are healthier and more God glorifying. That's what he ultimately wants for us.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. That's so good, Sister. Oh, my goodness. I love this. And I don't know if our listeners have noticed that all of your steps begin with the letter R. So once you get her book and you begin to read through this, it's going to be a good way to remember it. I love a good alliteration. So thank you.

Okay. So, Ahn, so let's get to your last step. And this, of course, will have to be our last question. So your last step is to restore the beauty God promised us. I love that. So I would love for you just to kind of tell us, what is the beauty that God promised us, and how is it restored?

Ahn Lin: I loved writing this section in the book. I named it "Adorn," appropriately, because I love adorning my actual home. It's my favorite part of the construction process. It's the very end, the funnest part when you get to make everything pretty and livable and, you know, characteristically you.

And I feel like when we're in survival mode, we don't even give ourselves the opportunity to think this luxuriously, to think about how to have beauty in our lives. But that's the life that God ultimately wants you to have. It's a life abundance. Not material, but a life of rich relationships, a life of fulfilling impact and, you know, all of this wonder that he created you to explore and experience. And you can only truly appreciate it when you are not in survival mode.

So when I say survival mode, I mean reliving the effects of your trauma over and over again, being constantly in the trenches of your trigger and at the mercy of your triggers and constantly feeling like you're going to be attacked at any moment or living life on the defense. And this is stuff that automatically happens to us. It's an automatic response that is out of our control most of the time. But when we are aware of it and when we work on the foundation and the framework and all of the inspections that the Holy Spirit does on our hearts and -- after all of that hard work is done, you'll actually find yourself experiencing this quiet that you've never had before. It's like standing amid a brand-new build without anyone else in the house. And you're just staring at the grandeur and you're noticing details of your life that you've taken for granted before, just never stood out to you before. You're seeing the sunlight through the windows, you're feeling the warmth and the safety of it all. And when you are in that state where you're finally regulated and out of survival mode, that is the perfect time to start embracing the beauty that God promised you.

Adorn your life with the people who will support you, who love you, who align with who you are in that season. You know, create an impact through your volunteer work and pursue things that you know are God glorifying that you haven't had the courage to do before. Let yourself create beautiful spaces, or nooks as I call them, that remind you of God's goodness.

Like, I have this nook of joy, this place of joy that I call my --- it's really just a plant wall. But whenever I see it, it just brings me so much happiness because it reminds me of my late father and also my Heavenly Father, who are both such great agriculturalists.

Jennifer Rothschild: Isn't that the truth?

Ahn Lin: Yeah, exactly.

Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, Ahn, wow. Okay, this is so good, my friend. This is so good. And you know what, it reminds me too that when this podcast ends, a listener could literally walk through her or his home and just kind of walk through and let that be this physical picture to reinforce what you've just taught us and how we can take that exterior and just kind of internalize it and begin this process. It's just so good. I so appreciate you being with us today.

And can we also give a big shoutout for Ollie? He did a good job.

Ahn Lin: Yes. He did so good, thank goodness.

Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. So did you hear that, Ahn has a nook of joy? Well -- K.C. knows this -- I have a room of peace.

K.C. Wright: And it's for real. You sense --

Jennifer Rothschild: It is peaceful.

K.C. Wright: You feel --

Jennifer Rothschild: Right?

K.C. Wright: -- the presence and the peace of God when you walk in.

Jennifer Rothschild: I know.

K.C. Wright: So cool.

Jennifer Rothschild: It matters. Space matters, y'all. So I loved how practical and imaginative this conversation was. So wherever you are in the process -- like, if it's deconstruction, don't be discouraged. As my grandson Tripp used to say, "It isn't broken, it's just not fixed yet." So be patient with that process. And if you're trying to rebuild the framework of resilience or shoring up the foundation of God's love, you just keep being patient with God, with the process.

K.C. Wright: Jesus is your forever home. You are welcome and always safe in him.

So get her a book. You already can tell from this conversation that you're going to love it. We will have a link at the Show Notes right now just for you. And, of course, we'll link you to her blog and store and, you know, all the things.

Jennifer Rothschild: All the things.

K.C. Wright: We got you, Sister.

Jennifer Rothschild: All right, dear ones, we are done for today. So you trust God with the process wherever you are in this process of building or rebuilding. He's got you, and you can trust him because you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. I can.

K.C. Wright: And I can.

Jennifer Rothschild: And you can.

K.C. Wright: It's true.

Jennifer Rothschild: Yes. I beat you, K.C.

K.C. Wright: We really can do all things --

Jennifer Rothschild: Through Christ.

K.C. Wright: -- who strengthens us.

Jennifer Rothschild: A to the men.


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