No Plan B With God – FGF Highlights, Beaumont, TX

I’ve always believed that God only operates with Plan A. He knows all things and there are no surprises to Him, so that means there is no Plan B with God.

FGF Beaumont Texas

Thank you to Brenda Chambless for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here.

Even when our plans get twisted, God is still doing His thing. Even when it seems like everything is falling apart, God is still in control. And even when we don’t know what’s next, we know God is making our path straight as we trust in Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

So, when we have to make changes and come up with what we call a “Plan B,” it’s still God’s Plan A! And that’s exactly what Fresh Grounded Faith Beaumont was—God’s Plan A! In fact, I would call it God’s Plan A+!

After COVID and injury accidents kept two of our worship leaders and one of our Local Conference Coordinators from being at the event, Laura Story and I took the stage on Saturday, trusting God to work through us.

And, He did. Of course He did!

Laura’s plane was delayed on Friday, so she didn’t know we didn’t have a worship leader. When I finally reached her late that evening, I tried to explain the situation. But before I could even finish my sentence, she interrupted and said, “Tell me what you need me to do!”

The woman was all in and ended up teaching, singing, leading us in worship, and … deep breath … managing travel to and from Beaumont with her three year old!

Oh, girl, I know it was a lot to ask of her at the last minute, but Laura’s heart was ready and willing to pivot and follow the Lord’s leading, and I’m incredibly grateful!

You should have heard me and Laura back in the green room scrambling, figuring out in real time who would do what and when! It was definitely not the Plan A we expected, but it was no Plan B for sure!

And here’s how I know…

The women in Beaumont were so blessed, and I was so blessed. God spoke to us through His Word, and we saw Him move in the hearts of the women who attended. We celebrated 2 new sisters in Christ, 24 women who chose to renew their commitment to the Lord, and 34 children sponsored through Compassion International.

Now, isn’t that something to celebrate? Praise the Lord!

God led us and drew us and showed us once again that He is completely trustworthy. And not just trustworthy in the way this conference unfolded, but trustworthy with every aspect of our lives.

So, thank You, Lord, for Your perfect plan! Thank You for Your plan for FGF Beaumont, and thank You for Your plan for each of our lives. Amen!

And a huge thanks to our incredible Local Conference Coordinators, Janis Pokraka and Sheila Bass, for all your hard work! We sure missed having Lisa Smith at the conference, but are so grateful for all of her hard work too.

Our host church, First Baptist Church Nederland, was amazing in the way they loaded in and out of that performing arts center. And, their Pastor? It was an honor to have Pastor Jason pray for us during the weekend.

I loved seeing so many co-host churches come alongside FBC Nederland to bless and love on the women of this area. It was a beautiful picture of the body of Christ coming together to serve their community, and God was glorified through the volunteers who served as His hands and feet.

Well, enough gushing over here! Remember, my dear sister, you are loved and you are wanted. You are part of God’s Plan A, because there is no Plan B with God!


Jennifer and the FGF Team!

BONUS: Laura Story joins me on the 4:13 Podcast

Would you like to hear more from Laura? She joins me on the 4:13 Podcast not once, but twice, talking about living live with open hands and giving up your plan for God’s plan.

Can I Live My Life With Open Hands? With Laura Story [Episode 18]
Can I Give Up My Plan for God’s Plan? With Laura Story [Episode 45]

5 starsReviews: See what others are saying about FGF!

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