We all have questions about Heaven, right? At some point, we all wonder about what comes after this life. Well in this study, I explore the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective, separating what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses.
Can I Foster a Family Culture of Simplicity? With Jennifer Pepito [Episode 340]
Our culture has come unhinged from so many timeless values that what was once considered normal and healthy for your home is now countercultural. Habits like eating a meal together, praying as a family, and living a slower-paced life are no longer the norm.
So, in this demanding and chaotic world, how do we foster peace, simplicity, and stability for our families?
Can I Invite God to My Church? With Pastor Steve Gaines [Episode 339]
Why don’t our churches today look like the church in the book of Acts? And could they? They can if we invite God to our church. Simply put, when God comes to church, revival results!
Today on the 4:13, Pastor Steve Gaines analyzes how churches can look just like the church of the first century. You’ll find out that we don’t need another program, another personality, or a great marketing plan to set our churches on fire. We need God’s presence!
Can I Learn To Read the Bible as One Big Story? With Courtney Doctor [Episode 338]
Today on the 4:13, you’re going to see the Bible from the Garden to Glory!
Author and Bible teacher Courtney Doctor will show you how to read the Bible as one big, beautiful story—a true story that reveals all of creation’s past and future and places us in the middle of the “already” and “not yet.”
Can I Live a Daring Faith for Such a Time As This? With Kelly Minter [Episode 337]
On this episode of the 4:13, author and Bible teacher Kelly Minter invites you into the daring faith modeled by Esther and her cousin Mordecai—a faith developed over time, rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world.
Although our time looks different from Esther’s, our God is just as active and faithful today and He never abandons His people. He is always at work in every place and at all times, and He has called YOU for such a time as this.
Can I Move Past Cancel Culture to Meaningful Conversations? With Sean McDowell [Episode 336]
Differences of opinion have always been part of life, right? It’s nothing new to agree and disagree about politics, social issues, religion, and current events. But when we did disagree, it didn’t used to cause a break-up between family and friends.
Nowadays, nearly one-third of people report they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to a disagreement. And nearly two-thirds of people say they stay quiet about their beliefs because they’re afraid of offending others or getting beat up online. We’re living in a cancel culture, and it’s destroying relationships.
Can I Memorize Scripture Even if I Think I’m Not Good at It? With Josh Summers [Episode 335]
Even YOU can memorize the Bible! Yes, you!
According to today’s guest, it doesn’t matter how young or old you are. It doesn’t matter if you think you have a bad memory. It doesn’t even matter if you’re a busy parent who rarely has more than 10 minutes alone in any given day. Scripture memorization is possible for you!
Author and podcaster Josh Summers will share the brain science and strategies behind Scripture memorization to give you confidence and motivation to get started. The tips and strategies he offers aren’t just theoretical—he has used these methods to memorize over 10 books of the Bible word-for-word.